Boots & Sabers

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Tag: Kamala Harris

Netanyahu Meets With Biden and Harris Separately

What is a foreign leader to think?

Vice President Kamala Harris — who is seeking to succeed Biden — met with Netanyahu later in the day and took the lead in addressing the public about their discussions.


She has been more outspoken than Biden about killed Palestinian civilians and called on Israel to allow more humanitarian aid in, and later stressed the importance for Israel to avoid more civilian casualties in Gaza.

I ask the question sincerely. Now, Netanyahu is an old hand and knows the nuances of American politics very well. He’ll be fine. But it is extremely weird and unsettling for the President and the Vice President to meet separately for foreign heads of state and give different messages. How is a foreign leader to interpret that? Who is speaking for America? Who’s policy is in force?

It may seem obvious that it is the president’s, but is it? His brain is mush and he can’t effectively communicate. Biden clearly allowed his VP to meet separately. Is the foreign leader to interpret that as the meeting with the president was for show and the meeting with the VP was the real one? If Biden is already acting as the president in setting and leading America’s foreign policy, then was that power delegated from the president?

This is not normal. This is not right. We should not pretend that it is.

Harris Doubles Down on Biden Legacy

Welp, at least she’s taking ownership of the crap sandwich that is the Biden presidency.

“I wanted to say a few words about our president. Joe Biden’s legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history,” Harris said. “In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office.”


“I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We worked together as attorneys general in our states,” Harris said at the White House event, referring to his late son.

“And back then, Beau would often tell me stories about his dad. He would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that Joe Biden is. The qualities that Beau revered in his father are the same qualities that I have seen every day in our president. His honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his faith and his family, his big heart and his love, deep love of our country,” she said.

And it looks like we’re not going to escape the insufferable Biden family stories.

It is an interesting strategy by Harris. Realistically, she’s been a deep throated supporter of Biden’s policies throughout his term and during his failed reelection bid. With 106 days until election day, she doesn’t have time to reinvent herself or carve our a differentiated platform. It’s really her only play.

So I expect Harris to talk about abortion, Trump is evil, and abortion until election day. That’s it. And any pushback against anything she says or does will be called “racist” and/or “misogynist.” That’s the playbook.

VP Announces Alliance with North Korea

These are not verbal stumbles or inarticulate expressions. Biden and Harris have fundamental gaps in their knowledge that permits their mouths to say such things. If she knew any better, she would have corrected herself as soon as she said it. The result is that Americans and the rest of the world are just tuning them out.

Kamala Harris continued an embarrassing week for the White House by mistakenly touting the U.S. alliance with ‘the Republic of North Korea’ – just one day after President Joe Biden called out for a dead congresswoman at an event on ending hunger.


The vice president concluded her trip through Asia with a visit to the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on Thursday where she made the gaffe confusing the communist North Korea with U.S. ally nation of South Korea.


‘The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea,’ Harris said during a speech at the DMZ Thursday, intending to refer to the Republic of Korea, the official name of South Korea.

Staff Flees Harris’ Abuse

This is my shocked face.

‘It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,’ a former colleague told the Washington Post.


‘With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence.


‘So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.’  Harris’s staffers




Gin Duran, a Harris aide who quit after working with her for five months, said there’s a reason her office is experience an exodus.


‘One of the things we’ve said in our little text groups among each other is what is the common denominator through all this and it’s her,’ Duran told the Post. ‘Who are the next talented people you’re going to bring in and burn through and then have (them) pretend they’re retiring for positive reasons.’


Harris is Flailing

This is an incredibly long story that basically says that the President and Vice President are very frustrated with each other. As far as I can tell, you have two incredibly inept people wondering why the other one is inept.

“They’re consistently sending her out there on losing issues in the wrong situations for her skill set,” said a former high-level Harris aide.
Then there’s the frequent complaint of a lack of follow through from the vice president’s office, such as on the southern border.
When Fernando García, executive director of Border Network for Human Rights, met with Harris during her visit to El Paso, Texas, this summer, he was optimistic about her potential influence on immigration policy. But months later, García says she “disappeared.”
“We haven’t heard any substantive messaging push for better immigration policies,” he told CNN. “We haven’t seen her leadership.”
Harris loyalists themselves worry that she’ll pay the price for her own loyalty to the President and her willingness to take on what they view as thankless assignments.

Harris to Smooth Things Over with the French

Given her track record, I expect a major international incident to come out of this.

In addition to meeting with Macron, Harris will deliver a speech on Nov. 11 at the annual Paris Peace Forum and participate the following day in the Paris Conference on Libya. She will be joined by her husband Douglas Emhoff for the visit.



“They will discuss the importance of the transatlantic relationship to global peace and security and underscore the importance of our partnership on global challenges from COVID-19 and the climate crisis to issues affecting the Sahel and the Indo-Pacific,” Harris senior adviser Symone Sanders said in a statement.

Harris’ Spacey Video

This entire administration is stage managed by a foreign firm.

The video was produced by a foreign film production company, Canada’s Sinking Ship Entertainment. The production cost remains unknown.


Children who took part in the event appeared to be delighted to be there. They were child actors who tried out to be in the videos, California station KSBW reported.


Monterey resident Trevor Bernardino, 13, told the station he was a space enthusiast who tried out for the role – only to be gobsmacked when he learned he would be traveling to Washington, DC to take part in the video. He tried out by sending in a monologue and the providing three questions he would ask a world leader.


‘Then after that, like a week later my agent called me and was like ‘Hey Trevor you booked it,” he said.


He was one of five teens who participated. He was joined by Derrick Brooks II, another child actor, Emily Kim, likewise a child actor, Zhoriel Tapo, a child actor and aspiring journalist who has interviewed former First Lady Michell Obama, and Sydney Schmooke.


NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough took part from the International Space Station.


Harris tweeted out the video on October 7.

Harris Ignores President’s Border Assignment

I suspect that Harris is too much of a political animal to want to be tied to the humanitarian catastrophe occurring at our southern border.

Kamala Harris has still to visit the US-Mexico border or even hold a press conference about her new duties in the two weeks since being tasked with addressing the migrant crisis.


The Vice President spent Easter weekend at her Brentwood home in Southern California where she baked a ‘beautiful’ roast pork with rice and peas, but did not find time in her schedule to visit the nearby border.


In the past two weeks she has also visited Connecticut for a talk with the Boys and Girls Club of New Haven, traveled to Oakland to meet with Gavin Newsom to show support amid his potential recall election, and made a trip to a bakery in Chicago.


Harris has also been busy moving into her new residence at the Naval Observatory just days after she complained about living out of suitcases while it was being renovated.


On March 24, she was tasked with leading the efforts to tackle the ‘humanitarian crisis’ amid a surge of migrants trying to enter the US since Joe Biden‘s administration came into office.

Harris Gets the VP Nod

This should be fun.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has named Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate – the first black woman and Asian American in the role.

Once a rival for the top job, the California senator of Indian-Jamaican heritage had long been considered the front-runner for the number two slot.

The former California attorney general has been urging police reform amid nationwide anti-racism protests.


She repeatedly clashed with Mr Biden during the primary election debates, most notably criticising his praise for the “civil” working relationship he had with former senators who favoured racial segregation.

The Democrat was born in Oakland, California, to two immigrant parents: an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father.

She went on to attend Howard University, one of the nation’s preeminent historically black colleges and universities. She has described her time there as among the most formative experiences of her life.


After four years at Howard, Ms Harris went on to earn her law degree at the University of California, Hastings, and began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office.

She became the district attorney – the top prosecutor – for San Francisco in 2003, before being elected the first woman and the first African American to serve as California’s attorney general, the top lawyer and law enforcement official in America’s most populous state.


But the senator failed to articulate a clear rationale for her campaign, and gave muddled answers to questions in key policy areas like healthcare.

She was also unable to capitalise on the clear high point of her candidacy: debate performances that showed off her prosecutorial skills, often placing Mr Biden in the line of attack.

Harris Wants Full Time School

Speaking of our schools becoming civil justice centers.

This is Senator Harris’s aim with her proposed legislation. The Family Friendly Schools Act would award five-year grants of up to $5 million to 500 U.S. school districts with the purpose of building a new school day around an 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday school week.

The bill would also limit the amount of days schools can close without offering free, full-day enrichment activities for students — again, to better align with the limited number of days that parents can take off from work. On average, schools shut down for 29 days during the school year and close for the entire summer. Meanwhile, 39 percent of all workers, and 80 percent of low-wage workers, don’t get any paid vacation time at all.

The grants would primarily serve low-income elementary schools, where there is likely a high percentage of working parents.

“The misalignment between school and work schedules puts working families through unnecessary financial stress — a burden we know is disproportionately shouldered by Black and Latinx families and families with low incomes,” Catherine Brown, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, said about the bill. “Senator Harris’ proposal would better support families in arranging child care and their work schedules, enabling more parents —  largely mothers —  to work, advancing educational equity and providing a needed boost to our economy.”

You’ll notice that the entire purpose is not to actually educate more. I support year-round school as a means to provide more education, but that’s not what this is. This is a proposal to provide welfare through our school systems so that we don’t have to call it welfare.

Kamala Harris Owns a Gun and It Should Disqualify Her for Liberals

So says this guy.

When it comes to gun ownership in America, presidential aspirant Kamala Harris has shot herself in the foot.

At a time when Democrats are toughening their positions on gun control and seeking to make it a core issue in the 2020 campaign, the California senator has conceded that her personal relationship with guns is unique among the major Democratic presidential contenders. She owns a handgun, a campaign aide told CNN.

This under-publicized revelation comes as Harris is getting a lot of ink for being tough about guns. Her words are fine, but for a progressive like me, they are undermined by that handgun. And I can’t be the only one who is disturbed.

Sexual Abuse Allegations Riddle Democrat Presidential Contenders’ Campaigns


Senator Bernie Sanders has apologised to female staff members on his 2016 US presidential campaign who allege they were harassed by a male aide.

“To women in our campaign who were harassed or mistreated, I apologise,” the Vermont independent wrote in a statement on Twitter on Thursday.

His apology comes as he contemplates another White House bid under the Democratic banner in 2020.

Several aides have complained of a “predatory culture” in his campaign.


Claims of sexual harassment have recently dogged the campaign of Democratic Senator Kamala Harris, who may also enter the White House race.

Senator Harris has said she was “unaware” that a top aide paid a settlement of $400,000 (£314,000) in May 2017 to a woman who sued for sexual harassment.

The California senator’s biography, which debuted last week, contains praise for the aide, who resigned after the payout was revealed.



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