Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...

Tag: Joe Biden

Biden’s Note to Trump

All cynicism aside, that’s a beautiful note and I, too, pray for God’s guidance and that the “coming years will be a time of prosperity, peace, and grace for our nation.”

“Dear President Trump, As I take leave of this sacred office I wish you and your family all the best in the next four years,” Biden wrote. “The American people – and people around the world – look to this house for steadiness in the inevitable storms of history, and my prayer is that in the coming years will be a time of prosperity, peace, and grace for our nation.”


“May God bless you and guide you as He has blessed and guided our beloved country since our founding,” Biden concluded the note, before signing it and dating it Jan. 20.

One More F.U. From Biden

We all knew this was coming, but that doesn’t make it any more acceptable.

Joe Biden has pre-emptively pardoned Covid response chief Anthony Fauci and the members of the 6 January riot investigation to prevent what he called “unjustified… politically motivated prosecutions”.




Biden also issued a pre-emptive pardon to Mark Milley, a former chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff, who last year described Trump as “fascist to the core”.

Biden’s statement said that the pardons should “not be mistaken as an acknowledgment” that any of those covered “engaged in any wrongdoing”.


Democrats had warned the outgoing president against such action. Adam Schiff, a Senator for California, said Biden could set a “precedent” for “each president hereafter on their way out the door giving out a broad category of pardons”.




Biden’s pardons cover all members of the House Select Committee investigating the 6 January riot, as well as their staff members and the officers who testified.

Biden is setting a terrible precedent for our nation by robbing our country of accountability and undermining our justice system. If these people have not done anything wrong, then they would not have anything to worry about if we trust our justice system to work correctly. If these people are guilty of wrongs (I believe they are), then Biden has thwarted the ability of the American People to hold them accountable. The result is an unaccountable government where people can no longer believe that anyone will ever be held to account.

Biden’s action was not about protecting innocent people from undue prosecutions. His action was about protecting guilty people from his criminal regime from being held accountable.

Biden Declares the Constitution Amended

On the law, this is a complete farce. The law, the Constitution, and all legal precedence is clear. The deadline to ratify the Equal right Amendment expired over forty years ago. This is not a grey area of the law. It is black and white. Clear? Crystal. The fact that Biden declared it means nothing.

What is disturbing here is how many purported weighty institutions and people are going along with Biden’s delusion. From Georgetown University to sitting politicians to traditional media outlets, allegedly serious and smart people are utterly beclowning themselves by pretending that Biden’s words are law. Every one of them is an affront to the Rule of Law and our Constitutional government and should never be trusted again. I mean… really… Biden is senile, but what excuse do these people have?

While the president’s statement is sure to be welcomed by advocates. senior administration officials could not say what, if anything, Biden will do beyond making the statement itself.

Because Biden’s statement is just a statement and not an order, proclamation or other presidential action, it carries absolutely zero legal force.

In order for the ERA to be actually considered part of the constitution, the Archivist of the United States would have to publish it officially as the 28th Amendment. A senior administration official who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity said the president was not directing the archivist to publish the amendment.


Instead, the official repeatedly told reporters that it’s Biden’s view that the amendment has been ratified since 2020, when Virginia’s state legislature became the 38th to approve it.

“He’s using his power of the presidency to make it clear that he believes and he agrees with leading constitutional scholars and the American Bar Association, not that it should be but that it is the 28th amendment of the constitution,” said the official.

Yet Biden’s newfound view on the ERA contradicts his administration’s legal work over the last four years. During numerous legal cases in which the federal government participated, not a single Department of Justice attorney ever argued that the amendment’s prohibition against sex discrimination should be recognized as part of the constitution.

The official could not explain the discrepancy between Biden’s claim that Virginia’s 2020 ratification put the amendment in force and the administration’s inaction during his term. They also said the president’s statement was influenced by the ABA’s recent opinion on the ERA as well as opinions of “leading constitutional scholars” who have said the amendment “has cleared all necessary hurdles to be formally added to the Constitution.

The Massive Coverup of Biden’s Mental Incapacity

This is a massive scandal. Americans have been denied their right to representative government by everyone who allowed Biden to be a corrupt, incompetent, figurehead as unelected minions ran the country. Everyone who was complicit in this needs to be removed to held to account. Mike Johnson is not a hero here. He is an accomplice.

Everyone from Mike Johnson to members of Joe Biden‘s own staff are commenting on the 82-year-old president’s noticeable decline in the last days of his presidency.


Johnson, who will retain his position as Speaker of the House, said that Biden bewilderingly told him in a January 2024 meeting that he ‘didn’t do’ an executive order that he had signed months earlier.


The order, announced on January 26 and still available on the White House website, placed a temporary pause on pending approvals of liquefied natural gas exports.


Johnson told The Free Press he asked Biden: ‘Sir, why did you pause LNG exports to Europe? Liquefied natural gas is in great demand by our allies. Why would you do that?’


Biden was surprised and said he didn’t, leaving Johnson stunned.


‘He genuinely didn’t know what he had signed and I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, ‘We are in serious trouble – who is running the country?’ Like, I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.’




Johnson, who will retain his position as Speaker of the House, said that Biden bewilderingly told him in a January 2024 meeting that he ‘didn’t do’ an executive order that he had signed months earlier.


The order, announced on January 26 and still available on the White House website, placed a temporary pause on pending approvals of liquefied natural gas exports.


Johnson told The Free Press he asked Biden: ‘Sir, why did you pause LNG exports to Europe? Liquefied natural gas is in great demand by our allies. Why would you do that?’


Biden was surprised and said he didn’t, leaving Johnson stunned.


‘He genuinely didn’t know what he had signed and I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, ‘We are in serious trouble – who is running the country?’ Like, I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.’

Joe Biden’s Farewell Address

I watched so you won’t have to. I have regrets about that decision. Just a few thoughts…

When I watched this several hours after it happened, there were only 138,000 views on YouTube. America has tuned him out.

Superficially, his delivery was as expected – halting, uneven, and poor. The content was also as expected – lies, arrogance, and condescension. It was full of the same old disproven and wrong tropes that have littered his comments for years. I really think he believes his own BS. It did strike me that the speech itself – the wording, tone, rhythm, etc. – was… not good. His speech writers are just not good at their jobs.

On his message, it was… whatever. He attempted to offer purported wisdom and advice from a man who has been in DC for 50 years, but it’s clear that his lifelong proximity to power has made him too distant and insulated to speak to the common man. The world that he thinks exists is not real and the problems he prioritizes are not the same as ours. His fears are not our fears. His wins were not our wins. He is, and has always been, a creature of the fetid Washington swamp and our country is worse for him having “served.”

I am glad to be done with this awful man and awful president. The damage he has wrought on our nation will take generations to undo.


Biden Packs Up Documents. Classified Ones? Who Knows?

Given the history of the Biden Crime Family, I’m worried about what he’s taking and how much he will sell them for.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The last time Joe Biden packed up and left office, he took with him thousands of papers from his decades in public service — including some classified documents that should have gone to the National Archives for safekeeping.


That move spawned a federal investigation into whether Biden had knowingly broken the law and a damaging Justice Department report that referred to Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” igniting public concerns over his mental acuity that eventually led Biden to drop out of the race.


The discovery also watered down the significance of the criminal case against President-elect Donald Trump, who had been accused of purposefully hoarding top secret documents at his Florida estate — and it helped fuel Trump’s claims of unfair political persecution.


The moving trucks are at the White House again, and Biden’s staff is loading documents and items for storage as he prepares to depart next week. The administration has promised a new, more secure protocol to review and separate out classified information. But with just a week left to go, there’s no word yet on recommendations from a federal task force formed at Biden’s behest to develop best practices for transitions.

Read the Weiss Report

I encourage you to go read the Weiss Report regarding the investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden in full. The media is fixating on hoe Weiss claps back at President Biden for slandering the investigators and prosecutors. You get gems like this:

The Constitution provides the President 8 with broad authority to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United 9 States, U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 1, but nowhere does the Constitution give the President 10 the authority to rewrite history.

But what really sticks out is the sleazy, illegal lifestyle Hunter was leading while spending millions of dollars. Where did these millions come from? Hunter didn’t hold down an actual job. He wasn’t running an enterprise. His lifestyle didn’t allow any time to conduct legitimate business. How was he able to obtain and spend millions of dollars without owning anything or working?

It’s clear as day. He was selling policy and access while kicking up a percentage to the Big Guy. This criminal enterprise makes Gotti look like a lightweight. Not to mention the fact that he did all of this while refusing to pay millions of dollars in taxes. When Joe Biden rails against millionaires not paying their fair share (whatever that means), he’s talking about his own son, and, probably, himself.

The Bidens might be the most corrupt family to ever reach the height of political power in America.

Two Murderers Rejects Biden’s Commutations

Leave it to Biden to eff up a commutation.

Two prisoners who are among the 37 federal inmates whose death sentences were commuted last month by President Joe Biden — a move that spares them from the death chamber — have taken an unusual stance: They’re refusing to sign paperwork accepting his clemency action.


Shannon Agofsky and Len Davis, both inmates at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana, filed emergency motions in federal court in the state’s southern district on Dec. 30 seeking an injunction to block having their death sentences commuted to life in prison without parole.


The men believe that having their sentences commuted would put them at a legal disadvantage as they seek to appeal their cases based on claims of innocence.

Biden’s Pardons Punish Victims Again

These pardons are not grants of clemency for people wrongly punished or an acknowledgement of a life well lived after a grave error. These pardons are for truly vile people, rightfully convicted, who have not paid for their crimes. Is Biden selling these pardons or is he just evil?

Victims of major public corruption cases in Pennsylvania and Illinois are angry that President Joe Biden granted clemency this week to two convicted officials.


The commutations were announced Thursday as part of a historic clemency package for 1,500 convicted criminals who, the White House said, “deserve a second chance.”


The two convicted officials whose cases sparked outrage – a crooked Pennsylvania judge and a notorious Illinois fraudster – both had already been released from prison early and put on house arrest during the Covid-19 pandemic. Biden’s actions now end that punishment.


The president has already faced bipartisan criticism over his highly controversial pardon of his son Hunter Biden, who was convicted earlier this year of 12 tax and gun crimes.

Biden Leaves America in Shambles

Per my last post, this is the mess that the American people elected Trump to clean up.

What an incredible mess Joe Biden will be leaving for Donald Trump on Jan. 20.


It isn’t just the $36 trillion in federal debt (up $13 trillion since 2020), which has increasingly (and foolishly) been financed by short-term borrowings; it is also inflation that refuses to die despite slumping energy prices, a Strategic Petroleum Reserve that has been drained to perilous levels, a weapons stockpile that is dangerously low, a Department of Justice that has lost the confidence of Americans, billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars that have been invested in losing enterprises (here’s looking at you, Intel), an educational curriculum that teaches kids to hate their country but fails to deliver youngsters able to read and write, a housing crisis, a manufacturing slump and so much more.


Biden also leaves Trump the nightmarish task of extricating the U.S. from Ukraine’s war with Russia and — once again — having to restore a sustainable balance of power in the Middle East.


No wonder Trump is preparing to hit the ground running.


If Joe Biden were a decent fellow and a patriot, he would be using his remaining weeks as president to fix some of the disasters he has created. Instead, he is doing just the opposite.

Biden Pardons Hunter to Protect the Family Business

We all knew it was coming, but that doesn’t make it any less scummy. The Bidens are dirtbags to the core and prove it again and again.

WashingtonCNN — 

President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden, who faced sentencing this month on gun crime and tax convictions, marking a reversal as he prepares to leave office.

“Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter,” the president said in a statement. It is a “full and unconditional pardon,” according to a copy of the executive grant of clemency.


By pardoning his son, Joe Biden has reneged on a public promise that he made repeatedly before and after dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. The president and his top White House spokesperson have said unequivocally, including after Trump won the 2024 election, that he would not pardon Hunter Biden or commute his sentence.

The pardon means Hunter Biden won’t be sentenced for his crimes, and it eliminates any chance of his being sent to prison, which was a possibility. Once the judges overseeing his cases are notified of the pardon, they’ll likely cancel the sentencing hearings, which were slated for December 12 in the gun case and December 16 in the tax case.

The pardon covers any potential federal crimes that Hunter Biden committed “from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024,” which, importantly, covers his entire tenure on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma. He had faced scrutiny for his controversial foreign business dealings.

Transcript of Biden’s Words Edited by Staff

This is unconscionable. A hundred years from now when all of us are dead and historians are trying to understand the world as it was in our time, they will read original and contemporary documents to gain that understanding. Altering transcripts of what the President of the United States actually said is a crime against history and a contemptuous slap of our children’s children. Biden said something stupid. Write down what he said. It’s not that hard.

The White House altered the transcript of President Biden’s controversial “garbage” comment despite the concerns of stenographers, Fox News Digital has confirmed.


In an email viewed by Fox News Digital, a supervisor sounded the alarm on the White House press office’s “breach of protocol and spoilation of transcript integrity between the Stenography and Press Offices.”


“If there is a difference in interpretation, the Press Office may choose to withhold the transcript but cannot edit it independently,” the supervisor wrote in the email. “Our Stenography Office transcript — released to our distro, which includes the National Archives — is now different than the version edited and released to the public by Press Office staff.”

Biden Turns Over Border Policy to President of Mexico

Oh, fer cripes’ sake.

President Biden declined to restore the most effective Donald Trump-era border policy — and blamed America’s southern neighbor for the massive flood of migrants into the US, House Speaker Mike Johnson recalled Thursday.


Johnson (R-La.) told The Post in an interview that Biden, 81, refused to reverse course and reinstate his predecessor’s “Remain in Mexico” policy even after migrant crossings began shattering records in late 2023 and into 2024.


“‘Just do “Remain in Mexico” again,’” Johnson, 52, recounted his entreaties to the president. “I begged Biden myself, personally, to do that. And he said he wouldn’t.”


“‘It’s complicated,’” Biden responded flatly, in Johnson’s retelling. “‘Mexico doesn’t want that.’”


“I said, ‘You can make it less complicated — you just show some leadership,’” the speaker went on. “‘With all due respect, sir, you’re the president of the United States. It doesn’t matter what Mexico wants. You tell them.’”

Obama Twists Knife in Biden’s Back


A White House aide reportedly called Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention an “implicit rebuke” to President Joe Biden’s term, perpetuating rumors that there is a rift between the president and his former boss Barack Obama.




“It was an implicit rebuke of the Biden era,” the source told Politico, claiming that the former first lady seemed to be blending together the Trump and Biden presidencies into one dreary era in US history.


The aide’s comment furthers swirling theories that there is some continuing tension between Obama and Biden.


Last week, sources told Politico that Biden will not stay in Chicago to hear Obama’s speech because he harbors resentment toward his former boss for not directly calling him to voice his concerns about his re-election chances.

Biden’s Self-Eulogy

This about sums it up.

Emotional Joe Biden cries then mangles his words during swansong speech that is bumped off primetime in final humiliation for dumped president

I stayed up late to watch Biden live. It was everything we have come to expect from Biden. Shouting. Outright lies. Slurs. Insults. Insults. One might have felt bad for him having to give his own political eulogy if one is willing to willfully forget how terrible a human being Joe Biden is. The only thing missing was the creepy whisper.

Biden Proposes to Usurp the Supreme Court

First, no, Joe Biden did not write this screed. They won’t tell us who did.

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden called for major changes to the Supreme Court on Monday, including a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity for presidents, impose term limits for justices and stipulate an enforceable code of ethics.


In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Biden said “no one is above the law.


“Not the president of the United States,” he wrote. “Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one.”




Biden, who served as a U.S. Senator for 36 years, wrote that he had overseen more Supreme Court nominations as senator, vice president and president than anyone living today.

Remember that Biden would not be proposing any of these things if the court were reliably issuing ruling that the liberals want. For 50 years, the court leaned Left and nobody proposed these kinds of things. Now that the court has tilted slightly right for less than a decade, liberals have decided that the court needs to be blown up.

Thankfully, none of this stands a chance of passing with a divided Congress and a lame duck President. It is curious that he would push it at all. Harris is the Leftist standard-bearer now. By tipping their hand that the Leftists want to radically usurp the power of the Supreme Court, does this help Harris? She will have to now offer her position on his reforms, right? Or is this a setup where Harris will come out against these “reforms” to make her look more moderate? Or is Biden just a bitter old man who wants to demonstrate that he still matters?


Admitting the Truth

It’s been less than a week and even the vaunted New York Times isn’t pretending that Biden wasn’t forced out.

Biden cares deeply about keeping former President Donald Trump out of the White House and therefore has reason to be invested in Harris’ success. He also knows that because, until he was forced to quit the race, he had insisted on running again despite concerns about his age, many will blame him for not ceding the stage earlier if Trump wins.

What does that say about our president? A week ago, he left the race and said it was his choice. He went on television, and while he did not give a reason for dropping out of the race, he indicated that it was his choice. His supporters have even tried to spin his dropping out as a noble act. Everything coming from the Biden camp is that it was his choice to step aside.

Yet, we all knew this to not be the case. There are various stories leaking about how the coup came about. But we all knew it from the start. We all knew that Biden would have never withdrawn of his own volition. And now the New York Times puts a throwaway statement to that effect in the middle of a story about Harris. Everyone – including the leftist media – knows that Biden was forced out.

Still, Biden continues to lie about it. Nobody believes him. Nobody. But he continues to lie and will not share the truth with the American people.

Why won’t he share the truth? Two reasons. First, ego and pride. Biden is not going to admit – even, perhaps, to himself – that he was forced to quit the race at the zenith of his ambition. Second, and more troubling, is because to admit that he was forced out is to admit that he is no longer effectively acting as president. He has the title. He sits in the chair. But he is not wielding the power. For if he were, then he could not have been forced from his chosen course.

The reason for Biden being forced out, whether it be due to dementia or because he was unlikely to win, is less important than the fact that Biden didn’t make the choice. He was forced to.

Netanyahu Meets With Biden and Harris Separately

What is a foreign leader to think?

Vice President Kamala Harris — who is seeking to succeed Biden — met with Netanyahu later in the day and took the lead in addressing the public about their discussions.


She has been more outspoken than Biden about killed Palestinian civilians and called on Israel to allow more humanitarian aid in, and later stressed the importance for Israel to avoid more civilian casualties in Gaza.

I ask the question sincerely. Now, Netanyahu is an old hand and knows the nuances of American politics very well. He’ll be fine. But it is extremely weird and unsettling for the President and the Vice President to meet separately for foreign heads of state and give different messages. How is a foreign leader to interpret that? Who is speaking for America? Who’s policy is in force?

It may seem obvious that it is the president’s, but is it? His brain is mush and he can’t effectively communicate. Biden clearly allowed his VP to meet separately. Is the foreign leader to interpret that as the meeting with the president was for show and the meeting with the VP was the real one? If Biden is already acting as the president in setting and leading America’s foreign policy, then was that power delegated from the president?

This is not normal. This is not right. We should not pretend that it is.

Illegals Upset that Joe Dropped Out

The AP actually did something useful and interviewed some of the illegals who are staging in Mexico before illegally entering the U.S. They are bigly upset that Biden dropped out because they liked his open border.

Biden (Joe/Jill/Hunter) Drops Out of Race

I woke up from a delightful Sunday afternoon nap to this news. Imagine Biden’s surprise when he gets up from his!

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term,” Biden wrote in a letter posted to his X account.

– It is telling that he did not share this news with the American people in person through a press conference or public address. Doing it in a letter is unmanly and cowardly.
– He had no choice but to support Harris. Internal Democratic dynamics would allow nothing else. She will have to defend Biden’s terrible record. She is a uniquely unlikeable person, so expect every retort to her to be characterized as racist and sexist. It’s the only arrow they have in the quiver.
– Speaking of Harris, it is telling that the other Democratic contenders have not yet challenged her. That seems to say that they know it is a lost cause and are willing to wait for 2028.
– President Biden should step down immediately. His presidency is no longer tenable. If he is too feeble to be a candidate for president, then he is too feeble to BE president. If he refuses, then the Republicans should move to remove him from office through impeachment – the only tool available to them. Is it politically smart? Probably not, but our nation deserves a president with a fully functioning brain and to have Hunter as far away from the nuclear codes as possible.
– Speaking of Hunter, he will be pardoned.
–  Biden’s political career is dying as it lived – in lies and failure. May our nation be able to recover from the damage he has wrought.



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