Boots & Sabers

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Tag: Illegal Immigration

Chicago Politicians Brace for Wave of Illegals Ahead of DNC Convention

Cry harder.

CHICAGO — Chicago is bracing for as many as 25,000 migrants to arrive by bus ahead of the Democratic National Convention, city leaders said Tuesday.


The high-end estimate from Deputy Mayor of Immigration Beatriz Ponce de León came as Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration defended its policy of evicting migrants who stay in city shelters longer than 60 days. That removal policy could be much needed if Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott holds true on promises to send Chicago many more migrants in the next few weeks in order to try to make the migrant crisis a Democratic problem, she argued.




The “fully expected” surge would be in sharp contrast with the current migrant count. The number of people living in city migrant shelters has steadily declined for months — down from around 15,000 in December to 5,667 Monday — and costs have fallen too.


But leaders have long feared the possibility of a pre-DNC spike in buses and planes like the ones that have carried over 45,000 migrants to Chicago over the past two years. Those worries only grew last week when Abbott touted the effort at the Republican National Convention.


“Those buses will continue to roll until we finally secure our border,” Abbott said.

Notice how proud they are of how the number of people in the shelters has decreased. Those people are not going home. They are going into the neighborhoods. They are taking jobs. They are putting their kids in schools. They are collecting welfare. They are increasing the demands for housing and services. They aren’t disappearing.

Illegals Upset that Joe Dropped Out

The AP actually did something useful and interviewed some of the illegals who are staging in Mexico before illegally entering the U.S. They are bigly upset that Biden dropped out because they liked his open border.

Biden’s Illegals Slaughter Little Girl

As the Left is fond of saying… thoughts and prayers are not enough. Biden has blood on his hands. Close the dang border.

The White House and Biden campaign responded Friday to the death of a 12-year-old girl in Houston after two suspects charged with capital murder were found to be undocumented migrants.


Jocelyn Nungaray was discovered Monday in a shallow creek after being strangled to death, according to the Houston Police Department.


A White House spokesperson said, “Our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of Jocelyn Nungaray.”


“We cannot comment on active law enforcement cases,” the spokesperson continued. “But fundamentally, anyone found guilty of this type of heinous and shocking crime should be held accountable, to the fullest extent of the law.”


Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Pena, 26, have been arrested and charged with her murder.


The two men had immigration violation holds from Immigration and Customs Enforcement on their court records. According to an ICE spokesperson, Martinez and Pena both illegally crossed the border, and on March 14, Martinez was apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol near El Paso, Texas. That same day, he was released on an order of recognizance with a notice to appear. Pena was apprehended by Border Patrol on May 28 near El Paso. He was released on an order of recognizance with a notice to appear the same day he was apprehended.

Biden Embraces Lawlessness with Mass Amnesty

Just in case you were under the impression from Biden’s intern’s tweets that he was serious about enforcing the border, this should disabuse you of such fantasies.

The president announced that his administration will, in the coming months, allow certain U.S. citizens’ spouses without legal status to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship without having to first depart the country. The action by Biden, a Democrat, could affect upwards of half a million immigrants, according to senior administration officials.

Biden Readies Mass Amnesty Plan for Illegal Aliens

This is the plan all along. Throw open the gates of America, import millions of people, and then make the citizens. I’m not saying anything that anyone with a brain didn’t already know. All of the people who immigrated legally to America are suckers for going through the trouble of following our laws.

To protect the spouses of Americans, the administration is expected to use a process called “parole-in-place.” It not only offers deportation protections and work permits to qualifying immigrants but also removes a legal obstacle that prevents them from getting on a path to a green card, and eventually, U.S. citizenship.


That power has already been used for other groups of immigrants, such as members of the U.S. military or their family members who lack legal status.


For Biden’s actions, White House officials were narrowing in on a plan that would offer parole in place for spouses of Americans who have been here for at least five or 10 years, according to the people briefed on the deliberations. The people were granted anonymity to discuss internal White House deliberations.


The immigrant advocacy group estimates that there are roughly 1.1 million immigrants without legal status married to Americans. However, depending on how the Biden administration writes the proposal, the actual universe of people who could qualify for the president’s plan is likely far smaller.


Advocates were also lobbying the White House to include benefits for immigrants lacking legal status who provide caregiving roles for American family members, according to two of the people familiar with the discussions, although that provision was seen as far less likely to be enacted for now. Allowing such caregivers to apply for a so-called “cancellation of removal” would affect immigrants like family members of Americans who have specific needs or disabilities.

Biden’s Idiotic Faux Border Order

Any thinking person can see the sham this is. 

The measure takes effect immediately because the new policy is triggered when arrests for illegal entry reach 2,500. About 4,000 people already are entering the U.S. each day. It was a major policy shift on a critical election-year issue that’s exposed Biden to Republican criticism over an unprecedented surge in new arrivals in an election year.

First, Biden has been saying for years that he is unable to do anything at the border without congressional action. Then he pops up this week and does something via executive order. He lies because it is his nature.

Second, if we can close te border after 2,500, then why cant we do it at zero? Why do we just have to allow over 900,000 illegal aliens into our nation every year before we lift a finger? Why must Americans and American taxpayers take on the burden of supporting these people when we are already so, so broke?

Biden is intentionally destroying our country by throwing open our borders to allow in the refuse of the world. This is just a head fake during an election year to bamboozle the stupid.

Biden to Pretend to Care About Border Months Before Election

Whatever. By the time we see if anything Biden does is real or just another show, the election will be over.

Biden is reportedly expected to sign an executive order this week that will address immigration and border security amid criticism from both parties over his handling of the situation at the border, NewsNation reported last week, citing a border community leader who requested anonymity. NewsNation is owned by Nexstar Media Group, which also owns The Hill.


When asked on “Fox News Sunday” if Biden should receive credit for making moves on border security after months of requests from Johnson, the Speaker said, “I don’t … it’s too little too late now.”

“He’s trying to desperately show the American people that he wants to address the issue that he himself created,” Johnson continued. “We documented 64 specific actions that President Biden and Secretary [Alejandro Mayorkas] at [the Department of Homeland Security] took over … the course of three and a half years, beginning on the first day that President Biden [took office], to open the border. They did it intentionally; it’s had catastrophic effects upon our country that we’ll be living with for decades to come.”


Johnson and House Republicans have repeatedly lamented the Biden administration’s border policies, arguing they have contributed to the mass influx of migrants into the U.S. and the country’s fentanyl spread. In January, Johnson’s office released a list of 64 instances it claimed showed the Biden administration “undermining border security policy and encouraging illegal immigration.”

Costs to House Illegal Aliens in Denver Increase By 850%


(The Center Square)- The city of Denver is considering revising a $400,000 contract for a private security firm to provide security for the city’s unhoused and migrant shelter sites for an additional $3 million.

The original contract, which was set to run for the entirety of 2024, was between the city of Denver and Advanced Professional Security — Colorado, L.L.C. However, the city is now revising this contract, which is projected to cost an additional $3 million to extend it until the end of 2024, for a new total of $3.4 million, according to city documents.

U.S. Strengthens Border… for Dogs

But if you’re a Chinese national coming across the southern border, we’ll just wave you through.

NEW YORK — All dogs coming into the U.S. from other countries must be at least 6 months old and microchipped to help prevent the spread of rabies, according to new government rules published Wednesday.


The new rules require vaccination for dogs that have been in countries where rabies is common. The update applies to dogs brought in by breeders or rescue groups as well as pets traveling with their U.S. owners.

U.K. To Deport Refugees to Rwanda

Well played, John Bull… well played.

LONDON — The United Kingdom approved controversial legislation on Tuesday that allows the government to send some asylum-seekers to Rwanda, with deportation flights expected to start this summer.


The so-called Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill completed its passage through the U.K. Parliament in the early morning after almost eight hours of debate overnight, clearing the way for it to soon receive royal assent and become law. The legislation, which aims to deter migrants from entering the U.K. illegally via small boats with hopes of claiming asylum once they reach the shore, had been stalled in Parliament for two months as lawmakers in both houses repeatedly proposed and rejected amendments.


U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who described the bill as “landmark legislation,” has promised that the first flights deporting illegal migrants to Rwanda, where their asylum claims will be processed, would take off in 10 to 12 weeks.


“We introduced the Rwanda Bill to deter vulnerable migrants from making perilous crossings and break the business model of the criminal gangs who exploit them,” Sunak said in a statement Tuesday. “The passing of this legislation will allow us to do that and make it very clear that if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay. I am clear that nothing will stand in our way of doing that and saving lives.”



The idea was first proposed in 2022 by former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who signed a multimillion-dollar partnership with the Rwandan government introducing the idea to have illegal migrants with asylum applications “deemed inadmissible by the U.K.” flown to Rwanda instead. But the U.K. Supreme Court blocked the deportation flights last November, finding the plan “unlawful” because the government couldn’t guarantee the safety of those being transferred to Rwanda.

In response, the U.K. signed a new treaty with Rwanda that increased protections for migrants and then, last December, proposed the current legislation, which declares the East African nation to be “safe” for asylum-seekers.

Illegals Shift to California as Texas Tightens Border

One must question how people from China and Rwanda (amongst other countries) made it all the way to our southern border by San Diego. That is not an inexpensive bit of travel. Who is funding this? Also, notice how it is just SOP now to let thousands of unvetted, unvaccinated, and unemployed people just breeze through and into the interior of our nation. We are losing our nation.

On the other side, visible through the gaps in the towering barrier, a group of more than 100 people – from countries including Ecuador, Colombia, China and Rwanda – huddled together, waiting to be let through on to US soil. This border point south of San Diego is now one of the busiest along the entire US-Mexico frontier, which stretches around 1,950 miles (3,140km) from here to eastern Texas and the Gulf of Mexico.


A record surge of illegal border crossings in recent years has fuelled the debate over immigration and border security, emerging as a key voter concern ahead of the US presidential election in November. While the border crisis has mostly centred on Texas, where Republican Governor Greg Abbott has waged a fight with President Joe Biden over his immigration policies, recent figures show the geography of the US migration problem is shifting west to border states like Arizona and California.

In San Ysidro, some 16 miles south of wealthy San Diego, crossings were up 85% in February from the previous year compared with Texas, which saw illegal entries dip during the same period. The BBC’s US partner CBS reported that in January, the border crossing in Del Rio, Texas, recorded a few hundred apprehensions a day – compared to 2,300 daily migrant crossings in December.




The sheer number of people arriving has overwhelmed resources in the San Diego area; after migrants are apprehended and processed at a facility near the border, local officials told the BBC that up to 1,000 people a day are being released at city train and bus stops.




Vargas tells the BBC her county had an effective solution for mitigating the crisis: migrant transitional centres, or short-term facilities where newly arrived migrants could access food and medical treatment, charge their phones, and plan their next steps: migrants arriving here are not staying. Instead, they’re moving on to other towns and cities across the US, where they have a network of family or friends.

Man Arrested for Smuggling Greenhouse Gas

Heh. Perhaps Biden will close the border to prevent the smuggling of greenhouse gasses if he won’t do it for fentanyl, criminals, diseases, child sex slaves, etc.

On March 4, 2024, California man Michael Hart became the first person to be arrested and charged with smuggling greenhouse gases across the border from Mexico into the United States.


This was the first U.S. prosecution to include charges associated with the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2020 (AIM Act), according to the U.S. Department of Justice. The act prohibits importing hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) outside the restrictions imposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Hart allegedly hid HFC canisters under a tarp to smuggle them across the border. He intended to sell them on sites such as Facebook Marketplace and OfferUp, per the New York Times.

The EPA has restricted HFC manufacture, distribution, and use across various sectors. The goal is to gradually phase out these products. However, Mexico is not as far along as the United States in its usage reduction.




“It appears that a black market has arisen due to the regulatory scheme in the treaty which provides for differing phase-out schedules for the United States and Mexico.” They continued by saying this landscape “creates a significant price differential due to the restrictions on supply in the United States that do not exist in Mexico.”

SCOTUS Allows Texas to Arrest Illegal Aliens


A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed Texas to begin enforcing a law that gives police broad powers to arrest migrants suspected of crossing the border illegally while a legal battle over the measure plays out.


The conservative majority’s order rejects an emergency application from the Biden administration, which says the law is a clear violation of federal authority that would cause chaos in immigration law.


Texas Gov Greg Abbott praised the order — and the law — which allows any police officer in Texas to arrest migrants for illegal entry and authorizes judges to order them to leave the U.S.

The high court didn’t address whether the law is constitutional. The measure now goes back to an appellate court and could eventually return to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, it wasn’t clear how soon Texas might begin arresting migrants under the law.


It was also unclear where any migrants ordered to leave might go. The law calls for them to be sent to ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border, even if they are not Mexican citizens.


But Mexico’s government said Tuesday it would not “under any circumstances” accept the return of any migrants to its territory from the state of Texas. Mexico is not required to accept deportations of anyone except Mexican citizens.

I suggest that Mexico make some effort to prevent non-Mexicans from crossing their country to jump our border.

Wausau Suddenly Overwhelmed by Homeless People In Winter

Hmmmm… First we hear that little Whitewater is facing a crime wave with social services being overwhelmed by illegal aliens. Now we see that Wausau is being overwhelmed by homeless people. It’s almost as if we have an open border and illegal aliens are finding their way to communities throughout the country.

The Wausau Police Department is requesting an additional two officers as part of a team approach to working with homeless residents, as the number of people without permanent housing surged considerably over the past three months.

“The speed at which unhoused individuals are coming into our community scares me,” he said.

In his February presentation, Barnes said city workers are shoveling human fecal material from downtown parking ramps on a regular basis.

Barnes said the homeless situation in Wausau is making policing complicated and reducing the amount of policing that the rest of our community “that pay taxes to have a quality police force” is getting.

Foreign Enemies Look to Exploit U.S.’ Open Border

This doesn’t seem like a problem /s

The US faces a significant threat in Venezuela’s cozy relationship with Iran, with enemy nations using the socialist country as a base in the hemisphere to attack America, experts have warned.


Fears are rising over the influence Iran has on Caracas as the two regimes strengthen economic and military ties and grow more hostile towards Washington DC.


Last week the FBI Miami launched a manhunt to find Iranian spy Majid Dastjani Farahani, who the government accuses of looking for allies to kill US officials while operating from Venezuela.


Meanwhile four Iranians were charged in 2021 for plotting to kidnap dissident journalist Masih Alinejad from Brooklyn before using a speedboat to take her to Tehran via Caracas.


Experts warned the brazen acts and strengthening relationships between dictator Nicolas Maduro and America’s enemies could spell doom in the near future.


They said the rich-oil nation is being used as an ‘air bridge’ because it is geopolitical gold dust due to it being just 300 miles from the Miami coast in case any world war erupted.

Georgia State Lawmakers Consider Penalties Against Sanctuary Stories

Yes. More of this.

ATLANTA (AP) — Some Georgia senators want to punish cities and counties that they say are illegally harboring immigrants who are in the country without permission by cutting off most state aid to the local government and removing elected officials from office.


The Senate Public Safety Committee voted 4-1 on Wednesday to rewrite House Bill 301, with supporters saying the move is needed to enforce a 2009 state law that outlaws so-called sanctuary cities and counties.


It’s the latest measure proposed by Republicans after police accused a Venezuelan man of beating a nursing student to death on the University of Georgia campus.

I don’t think they should remove local elected officials. Leave that up to the voters. But they can’t leave unaddressed local governments that violate state laws.

Democrat Arizona Governor Welcomes Illegals

Keep that door wide open, eh?

PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona bill that would have made it a crime for noncitizens to enter the state through Mexico at any location other than a port of entry has been vetoed by Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs.


The Republican-controlled Legislature approved the measure late last month along party lines. Arizona has emerged as a popular illegal border crossing point, and the bill would have let local law enforcement arrest non-U.S. citizens who enter Arizona from anywhere but a lawful entrance point. A violation would be a top-tier misdemeanor – or a low-level felony for a second offense.


In a letter to Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen on Monday, Hobbs said the measure raised constitutional concerns and was expected to lead to costly litigation.

“This bill does not secure our border, will be harmful for communities and businesses in our state, and burdensome for law enforcement personnel and the state judicial system,” Hobbs wrote.

Illegals Dropped Off by the Busload

The only thing unusual about this story in Biden’s America is the scale. Illegals are being dropped off in communities all over the country.

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Hundreds of migrants were dropped off Friday at a San Diego bus stop instead of at a reception center that had been serving as a staging area because it ran out of local funding sooner than expected, showing how even the largest city on the country’s southern border is struggling to cope with the unprecedented influx of people.


Migrants who previously had a safe place to charge phones, use the bathroom, eat a meal and arrange to head elsewhere in the U.S. were now left on the street as migrant aid groups scrambled to help out as best they could with makeshift arrangements.


Border Patrol buses carrying migrants from Senegal, China, Ecuador, Guatemala and many other countries arrived outside a transit center. Migrant aid groups said they would be bused from there to a parking lot where they could charge their phones and get a ride to the airport. The vast majority planned to spend only a few hours in San Diego before taking a flight or having someone pick them up.

“Are we in San Diego?” asked Gabriel Guzman, 30, a painter from the Dominican Republic who was released after crossing the border in remote mountains on Thursday. He was told to appear in June in an immigration court in Boston, where he hopes to earn money to send home to his three children.


Abd Boudeah, of Mauritania, flew to Tijuana, Mexico, through Nicaragua and followed other migrants to an opening in the border wall, where he surrendered to agents Thursday after walking about eight hours. The former molecular engineering student said he fled persecution for being gay and planned to settle in Chicago with a cousin who had been in the U.S. for 20 years.

White House Colludes with Special Interest Groups

I remember a time in Wisconsin when this kind of collusion was considered a threat to democracy.

Administration officials aren’t disengaged from the impeachment fight. President Joe Biden slammed the impeachment as “petty partisan games.” And aides are monitoring it closely, often elevating Republicans who have questioned the merits of impeachment.


But the administration is also leaning on allied outside groups to poke holes in the GOP’s case against Mayorkas and echo the message coming from Pennsylvania Avenue.




The Congressional Integrity Project has led the charge externally. The group launched in late 2022 — ahead of Republicans taking over the House — with the goal of combatting the investigative onslaught into the Biden administration. The organization has been tracking the targeting of Mayorkas closely, but as impeachment seemed increasingly likely, it ramped up that element of its operations.


Over the last six weeks, the Congressional Integrity Project has worked closely with advocates in the immigration policy space to defend Mayorkas and to paint the GOP effort as a “shameful” and unfounded partisan act tied to fringe conservatives, such as Georgia Rep. Majorie Taylor Green and Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs.


The groups, including America’s Voice and the American Immigration Lawyers Association, have stayed in touch over a shared chat where they coordinate strategy, said Douglas Rivlin, communications director at America’s Voice. They have pushed various constituencies to speak out against the impeachment effort they’ve sought to frame as “unconstitutional.”

Mayorkas Impeached

Good. It’s good to see the House Republican leadership stick with this. Yes, it’s largely symbolic since the Senate will never convict, but when you only control one half of one branch of government, you should still do everything in your power to fight for the American people.

The House of Representatives has narrowly voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, making him the first cabinet member to face impeachment in nearly 150 years.


Many Republicans blame Mr Mayorkas for an unprecedented influx of migrants at the US-Mexico border.



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