Boots & Sabers

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2045, 23 Aug 24

The Cost of Deportation

We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars PER YEAR on housing, schools, medical costs, law enforcement, welfare, etc. on illegal aliens. It is impossible to conceive a scenario where there isn’t a short ROI on deporting them as long as the border is secure enough to prevent most of them from coming back in.

SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. — Former President Donald Trump on Thursday said the cost to deport millions of undocumented immigrants is justified and would not rule out separating families made up of citizens and noncitizens.


“It’ll cost trillions of dollars to keep these people, and I’m talking about in particular starting with the criminals,” Trump told NBC News in an interview during a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona. “That’s costing us a lot more than deporting. But we have no choice, regardless, we have no choice. We’re going to have to deport.”


When pressed, Trump provided no details on how he would pay for his plan, which could cost billions of dollars to implement at scale. Trump spent much of his first term fighting with Congress to give him money to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, an expensive undertaking that the legislative branch never agreed to fund. Ultimately, he took the money from other parts of the Pentagon budget.

But notice how the media is already pretending to care about the cost. They are silent when Democrats find hundreds of billions of dollars to support illegal aliens already in this country, yet seem to think that it would be impossible to find the money for deportations. Remember how they bemoaned $5 billion to build the wall, but were unconcerned with spending 100 times more to pay for illegals who flowed across the border? I do.


2045, 23 August 2024


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