Boots & Sabers

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2146, 02 Jun 24

Biden to Pretend to Care About Border Months Before Election

Whatever. By the time we see if anything Biden does is real or just another show, the election will be over.

Biden is reportedly expected to sign an executive order this week that will address immigration and border security amid criticism from both parties over his handling of the situation at the border, NewsNation reported last week, citing a border community leader who requested anonymity. NewsNation is owned by Nexstar Media Group, which also owns The Hill.


When asked on “Fox News Sunday” if Biden should receive credit for making moves on border security after months of requests from Johnson, the Speaker said, “I don’t … it’s too little too late now.”

“He’s trying to desperately show the American people that he wants to address the issue that he himself created,” Johnson continued. “We documented 64 specific actions that President Biden and Secretary [Alejandro Mayorkas] at [the Department of Homeland Security] took over … the course of three and a half years, beginning on the first day that President Biden [took office], to open the border. They did it intentionally; it’s had catastrophic effects upon our country that we’ll be living with for decades to come.”


Johnson and House Republicans have repeatedly lamented the Biden administration’s border policies, arguing they have contributed to the mass influx of migrants into the U.S. and the country’s fentanyl spread. In January, Johnson’s office released a list of 64 instances it claimed showed the Biden administration “undermining border security policy and encouraging illegal immigration.”


2146, 02 June 2024

1 Comment

  1. dad29

    Apparently Bai-Den will do what the Schumer (failed) bill would have done: close the gates after 4,000 people made it across.

    He also just dropped 350,000 cases against illegals who claimed ‘persecution’ in their home countries. That doesn’t make them legals, but they will no longer have to report in regularly–not that they did in the first place.

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