Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...

Category: Maps

London Time Machine

This may be the coolest thing on the internet at the moment. It’s the famous Morgan Map of 1682 which shows London after the great fire of 1666. Then, it has a spyglass that overlays a satellite view of modern London. You can see ancient St. James Palace and the Buckingham House that became the palace. The Tower. The docks, old and new. St. Paul’s. The fields to the south of the river.

If you need me, I’ll be exploring this for the rest of the night

Where in the World?

The distinctive construction of the main building should be a hint for this one. Where is it?


Where in the World?


UPDATE: Hmmmm… I must have made this one too hard. Here are a few clues… as CaptainNed already pointed out, it’s in the northern hemisphere in a country that drives on the right. Also, it is of Spanish construction, but it’s not in Spain. It is the site of a battle, although it was more of a skirmish. It is related to something noteworthy that we remember during this time.

UPDATE2: Wow… well, it’s been three days. I guess this one was tougher than I thought. Let’s try some more clues… It is in North America. The battle in question was in the 19th century.

UPDATE3: Finally! Congrats to CaptainNed. This is the Presidio La Bahia in Goliad, TX. It is noted for being the site of the second skirmish of the Texas Revolution where the Texians stormed it and took it over. Commander James Fannin led an incompetent and failed rescue attempt to the Alamo from here before being killed with his command by the Mexicans in the Goliad Massacre. “Remember the Alamo!” and “Remember Goliad!” motivated Texians in their eventual victory over the Mexicans.

Where in the World?

We haven’t done one of these in a while. Where in the world is this?



Congratulations to Seeker! This is Solovetski Monestary. A place of exile for centuries, the Solovetski Islands became the original Gulag Archipelago for the Soviet Union where the Communists tested and learned to run a proper concentration camp.

Where in the World – 13 Oct 14

Let’s try another one…


Congrats to Paulie Walnuts!

This is the former Theresienstadt concentration camp, is what is now Terezin, Czech Republic.  The Theresienstadt concentration camp was famously used as a show-camp by the Germans, and as the subject of a Nazi propaganda film.

Where in the World – 25 Sep 14

Since Owen got the ball rolling on these again…  Let’s up the difficultly a little.


Congrats to Burlington Guy! This is Mers al Kebir, Algeria, where the British Royal Navy bombarded the French fleet on 3 July 1940 in an attempt to stop the French fleet from falling into German hands.

Where in the World?

Let’s bring back a semi-regular feature of the ol’ B&S. Where in the world is this? The winner receives their choice of emoticon for their victorious comment. Personally, I’d go with this one: 



UPDATE: I made this first one too easy, I think! Congrats to Captain Ned. This is the European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg, France (formerly Germany… formerly France).



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