Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...

Tag: Mike Pence

Dining Alone?


Many eyebrows were raised when it emerged US Vice-President Mike Pence would not dine alone with a woman who was not his wife.

How old fashioned, the internet cried.

Only, now it seems he is not alone.

A surprise poll for the New York Times has discovered more than half of women agree with him – as well as 45% of men.

And as for a drink? Forget about it. Just 29% of women think that would be appropriate in a one-on-one situation.

What’s most interesting about this story is how it came about. The media – largely dominated by coastal leftists – jumped on Pence with shock and outrage under the assumption that Pence was massively out of step with America’s social norms. It turns out that it is they who are out of the mainstream.

The Pence Effect

I’ll say it again… Trump’s cabinet so far looks outstanding. These are smart, substantive people who are capable of doing very big things in their jobs.

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump’s incoming administration is increasingly becoming Mike Pence’s dream team.

Trump’s decision to tap Seema Verma — Pence’s own Medicaid policy consultant in the Indiana governor’s office — to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provided the clearest evidence yet of the prominence Pence and his conservative allies will have in Trump’s Washington.
Trump’s choices so far have reflected Pence’s politics — potentially proving helpful on Capitol Hill, where the Indiana governor and former House Republican leader has long been expected to help Trump most. Pence’s devotion to conservative principles — and his relationships with powerful groups, including the Heritage Foundation — have allowed him to help Trump navigate a Washington terrain that is unfamiliar to the billionaire business mogul who just ran his first campaign for any office.

Trump to Choose Mike Pence as VP


Donald J. Trump’s campaign has signaled strongly to Republicans in Washington that he will pick Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, as his running mate, though Republicans caution the party’s mercurial presidential candidate may still backtrack on his apparent choice.

Mr. Trump’s advisers have told national Republican officials that they are preparing to make an announcement with Mr. Pence, according to three people with knowledge of the conversations, who were not authorized to discuss them publicly. His campaign has said that it will unveil a running mate for Mr. Trump in New York on Friday.

It’s a pretty sensible choice, which is why it surprises me that Trump made it.



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