Boots & Sabers

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Tag: Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg to Reassess

He won’t win the nomination. That much is clear. The real question is whether he will throw his money into the race or go home and pout? It’s not like he cares about winning Democratic hearts and minds for the next election.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will reassess his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination on Wednesday, NBC News reported.

Bloomberg’s Sexism


The Washington Post made the 1990 booklet available online as it published an investigation of how Bloomberg has “for years battled women’s allegations of profane, sexist comments”. The booklet was presented as a gift to Bloomberg on his 48th birthday party and contains a catalogue of sexist remarks attributed to the billionaire during his time at the company he founded.

The renewed attention on Bloomberg – who has for years been the subject of allegations that his company fostered a hostile and sexist environment towards women – comes as he has surged in the race for the Democratic nomination to face Donald Trump in November.

The thing that jumped out the most for me is that 1990 was his 48th birthday!

Bloomberg Proposes Intrusive and Expensive Federal Plan

In Bloomberg world, there’s nothing that a massively expensive and intrusive government program can’t fix.

Bloomberg’s plan, according to details released by his team, focuses on investing in black business and home ownership, which includes “a $70 billion investment in the country’s 100 most disadvantaged neighborhoods.” The money will be controlled by a new White House office, the Neighborhood Equity and Opportunity Office, which will coordinate across federal agencies. The plan provided did not explicitly state the criteria to determine a level of disadvantage beyond being “place-based and evidence-based.”

In his proposal, mortgage and loan guarantors will also be forced to update their credit-scoring requirements, which the plan maintains is rigged against African-Americans. Under the initiative, a new Housing Fairness Commission would be established with a $10 billion fund to work with localities and municipalities to test and potentially reserve housing laws that might discriminate against buyers or renters of color.

Bloomberg Out

Of course, he was never in.

But Bloomberg, 74, said he had concluded that any candidate would be unlikely to win a clear majority in a three-person race. That would throw the election into the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which would be able to hand the White House to Trump, a real-estate billionaire, or Cruz, a conservative U.S. senator from Texas.

“That is not a risk I can take in good conscience,” he wrote on Bloomberg View, an opinion website that is part of his media empire.

Bloomberg never received much interest from American voters. About 12 percent of likely voters said they would support him in a three-way race for president with Democrat Hillary Clinton and Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos national poll conducted from Wednesday to Monday.

Bloomberg Considers Run for President

Because we need another New York billionaire in the race.

(Reuters) – Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has told his aides to draw up plans for an independent campaign for the U.S. presidency, according to a source familiar with the situation.

Bloomberg has advised friends and associates that he would be willing to spend at least $1 billion of his own money on a campaign for the November 2016 election, according to the source, who spoke on condition on anonymity to discuss the former mayor’s thinking.

News of Bloomberg mulling a presidential run was first reported Saturday by the New York Times.

In many ways, Bloomberg is a lot like Trump. They are both pro-big government, pro-abortion, pro-eminent domain, etc. One difference is that Bloomberg’s big issue is his passionate hatred of the 2nd Amendment and Trump is pretending to be pro-gun at the moment. Bloomberg is also a lot richer than Trump, which has to get under Trump’s skin. I suspect that a Bloomberg candidacy is more likely to pull more liberals and Democrats than Republicans, which would favor the Republican candidate.



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