Boots & Sabers

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2119, 15 Feb 20

Bloomberg’s Sexism


The Washington Post made the 1990 booklet available online as it published an investigation of how Bloomberg has “for years battled women’s allegations of profane, sexist comments”. The booklet was presented as a gift to Bloomberg on his 48th birthday party and contains a catalogue of sexist remarks attributed to the billionaire during his time at the company he founded.

The renewed attention on Bloomberg – who has for years been the subject of allegations that his company fostered a hostile and sexist environment towards women – comes as he has surged in the race for the Democratic nomination to face Donald Trump in November.

The thing that jumped out the most for me is that 1990 was his 48th birthday!


2119, 15 February 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Maybe he can join Biden in nursing home.

  2. Pat

    Who cares. This is all in the past. Old allegations of sexism doesn’t matter. There’s no proof that he’s that way now. Plus, people aren’t voting for a saint. The Trump election nullified any concern for that. At least that’s the rationale I’ve been given.
    In 1990 Donald Trump was 44. That’s a whopping 4 years age difference.

  3. dad29

    Bloomie’s instincts toward dictating and controlling are far more a concern than his sexist and racist leanings.  BUT the latter will make some of the electorate rather uncomfortable with him, such as the “suburban women.”

  4. Pat

    “Bloomie’s instincts toward dictating and controlling are far more a concern than his sexist and racist leanings.”

    Hmmmm, instincts toward dictating and controlling. Really, a concern for you, Dud?

  5. jjf

    Pat, I think what Dad29 is saying is that only the opinion that matters is that of older suburban men, especially those who have esteemed status and roles in religious organizations known for dictation and authoritarianism.

  6. Jason

    No you two non-thinkers, what Dad is saying is that all the Left nutsos that Hate Trump will have to Hate Bloomberg for exactly the same things…. or be known forever as fucking hypocrites.   That remove any confusion for you two knuckleheads?


    Put even simpler…  Anyone who didn’t vote for Trump but votes for Bloomberg is nothing but a partisan hack due to the biggest difference between the two being their Party affiliation.


    Hey jjFlaccid, stop projecting, it’s really quite a bore.   You see Racism and Sexism in anything you disagree with, and it’s really Small of you.

  7. jjf

    Or maybe you could start worrying about racism and sexism no matter where it originates, right Jason?  I think he’s got it!

  8. Pat

    Juvenile Jason chirped, “ No you two non-thinkers, what Dad is saying is that all the Left nutsos that Hate Trump will have to Hate Bloomberg for exactly the same things”

    Then Juvey, why didn’t he say so?

  9. dad29

    Well, Patsy, I made a mistake.  I assumed you could draw a conclusion based on what I typed there, but…….clearly……..that was an over-estimate of your abilities.


  10. dad29

    those who have esteemed status and roles in religious organizations

    Doing a little doxxing-prep, Johnny?  Be very, very, careful…..

  11. Pat

    Well, Dud, it’s hard to follow your gibberish most of the time. You should pass out recorder rings with you tin foil hats.

  12. Pat

    Decoder rings

  13. Mar

    Well, if you actually read the booklet, it’s pretty tame. Some funny things,something that would make PETA upset and kind of tame compared to what Trump has said.

  14. jjf

    Sorry, Dad29, no doxxing here, no need to start fondling the trigger.

    You think you’re the only one charmed by the smells and bells?  I can just tell by your attitude and words.  I think I once knew your name because someone else outed it, but I’ve long forgotten it.

    If you’re against doxxing, well, speak up, because I’m sure you’ve seen it pointed at other people here, including Owen himself.

    But hey, tell us more about your deep knowledge of the attitudes of “suburban women.”

  15. dad29

    You think you’re the only one charmed by the smells and bells?

    You too, eh?

    Actually, we met in a bar about 20 years ago, which is how I know what you do for a living.

  16. jjf

    A bar!  I don’t go to bars very often.  What sort of event was that?

  17. dad29

    Think pizza joint/bar on Burleigh in Milwaukee.  Coulda been 30 years, too.

  18. jjf

    And what was I doing there?  A “Drinking Conservatively” meeting?

  19. dad29

    As I recall, yes–although I don’t think that was what it was called.  Our host would show up there occasionally, as well as another commenter on this blog; we had the usual bunch of pols trolling for votes, and Priebus showed once up so that he could know his enemies…….

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