Boots & Sabers

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Tag: Sales Tax

Local Sales Tax Proposal DOA


MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) — The push to allow communities to boost their sales tax is unlikely to go anywhere after GOP leaders said they widely opposed the tax increases.


“Zero, there is no chance this is going to happen, dead on arrival,” Vos said during a Wisconsin Counties Association panel.


Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu also echoed the same messaging, saying it doesn’t think there’s a need for one.


Gov. Tony Evers proposed to allow counties and cities the ability to raise their local sales tax by half a cent if voters approve through a referendum. Wisconsin currently has the lowest sales tax in the Midwest at 5%.


Cavalier Johnson, Milwaukee Common Council President, asked GOP leaders to reconsider as he said the city is in “jeopardy” without the ability to raise their sales tax.

Ask yourself… is the root of the problems in Milwaukee because we don’t give them enough money?

Wisconsin Sales Tax Holiday Starts on Wednesday

You can find all of the details about Wisconsin’s new Sales Tax Holiday on the Department of Revenue’s site:

  1. What is a sales tax holiday?A sales tax holiday is a temporary exemption period where sales of certain items are exempt from Wisconsin sales and use tax.

  2. When is the sales tax holiday?The sales tax holiday will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, August 1, 2018, and continue through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 5, 2018. SeeQuestion #6 for information about different time zones.

  3. What items are not taxable during the sales tax holiday?During the Sales Tax Holiday, purchases of these items are not taxable:

    • Clothing – sales price of each item must be $75 or less
    • Computer purchased by a consumer for their personal use – sales price of each computer must be $750 or less
    • School computer supplies purchased by the consumer for their personal use – sales price of each item must be $250 or less
    • School supplies – sales price of each item must be $75 or less

    See the answer to Question #7 for a list of exempt items.

  4. What items are still taxable during the sales tax holiday?During the sales tax holiday, the following items continue to be taxable:

    • Clothing accessories or equipment
    • Protective equipment
    • School art supplies
    • School instructional materials
    • Sport or recreational equipment

    See the answer to Question #8 for a list of taxable items.


A couple of decades ago when I lived in Texas, there was a sales tax holiday. It’s nice… you can save a few bucks on some specific items… but it’s a gimmick in lieu of an actual tax cut.

Walker to Propose Sales Tax Holiday


During appearances Wednesday in Green Bay and Milwaukee, Gov. Scott Walker will announce a sales tax holiday on school supplies that he will propose in his 2017-’19 budget bill in February. The proposal will need legislative approval, but Assembly Republicans were already set to push for a similar proposal in a separate event earlier scheduled for Wednesday.


That proposal would have decreased state tax revenues by $13.2 million a year and local government tax revenues by $952,000 a year. That would amount to a cut of just one-quarter of 1% of the $5.06 billion in sales tax revenues last year.

I remember when these became the rage across the South. As a consumer, it’s kind of nice to save a few bucks and many stores use the occasion to have promotions and such, but it’s gimmicky. I would prefer real tax reform, but I’ll take it.


Assembly Delays Vote to Allow Counties to Increase Sales Taxes

Kill this bill.

After bumping to the end of the calendar a bill that would let local governments enact half-cent sales tax increases to pay for roadwork, GOP leaders now won’t say for sure if the legislation will get a vote.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos would answer directly when Dems asked him f the bill would get a vote.

“I have every intention of really working hard to make that happen,” the Rochester Republican said.

Under the amended AB 210, local governments can enact the increase for four years if they get referendum approval. Rep. Dean Knudson, R-Hudson, is the bill author.

I’m glad to see that my representative is voting against this. All Republicans should. This bill would result in tax increases and is a rather naked attempt by the Republican leadership to find a way to increase taxes and transportation spending while disavowing responsibility for it.

Just say no.



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