From the LaCrosse Tribune.

MADISON — Republicans who control the Wisconsin Assembly say they want to spare the state’s land stewardship program from another round of cuts, but their Senate colleagues haven’t committed to a plan and Gov. Scott Walker hasn’t signaled how he intends to approach the issue.

The stewardship program is the DNR’s main mechanism for purchasing land for preservation. About 1.5 million acres are currently in stewardship.

Just kill it. It is ridiculous that we have a government program whose sole purpose is to spend taxpayer money to buy property and take it off the tax rolls, thus requiring the same taxpayers to pay more taxes to fund government. Meanwhile, it is a perfect program for bureaucrats to make sweetheart deals to buy the land of their buddies.

The state owns too much land already. Kill the stewardship fund. If the state has an interest in buying a piece of land, they can address it on an individual basis.