Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1041, 07 Jun 24

Biden’s Not Old

That’s what they are trying to tell us. Don’t believe your lying eyes. Listen to the regime.

The White House was forced into a fresh damage control effort Wednesday to defend the 81-year-old commander in chief’s acuity as he embarked on a grueling foreign trip and as the race gets nastier by the day.


The latest episode was sparked by a Wall Street Journal article that cited descriptions – disputed by the White House – of the president’s state of mind and fitness from what it described as more than 45 interviews with both Democrats and Republicans. The president was depicted as speaking so softly in one meeting about Ukraine that he was almost unintelligible to some participants. Other sources questioned whether he was fully in command of key details of his own policies.

Democrats accused Republicans quoted or referred to in the account of making false claims and contradicting previous statements to damage Biden politically. Washington Sen. Patty Murray, for instance, complained on X that her comments to the Journal about the president’s strong engagement in a meeting on Ukraine in January were not used by the paper.

Not that I want to help Biden, and not that they are reading a little Wisconsin blog… but this is idiotic PR. They would be much better off saying something like, “yes, he’s old and has slowed down a bit, but Biden is experienced and up the job for another term.” Yes, it’s still a lie, but flatly denying what all of us are seeing is stupid.


1041, 07 June 2024


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