Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1951, 07 May 24

Biden Holds Back Ammunition Allocated to Israel

So now our president is withholding ammunition from our ally as they try to root out and eliminate an Islamic terror group. Oh, how far we have come in the War on Terror.

According to one U.S. official, the U.S. Air Force has been told by the White House National Security Council to pause the delivery of ammunition already approved and under contract, waiting to be shipped from Dover Air Force Base.


A second U.S. official confirmed to ABC News that the NSC was behind the decision to pause the munitions. U.S. officials said the delay is being done intentionally.


The NSC has not confirmed the decision or said why the shipment was put on hold. Instead, administration officials have noted that the overall U.S. policy toward Israel hasn’t changed.


1951, 07 May 2024


  1. Mike

    The legislature may hold the power of the purse but that is meaningless when the admin disregards them.

  2. Merlin

    2000lb and 500lb bombs, but they’re not saying if they’re JDAMs, Powered JDAMs, or just unguided dumb bombs the Israelis would then fit with their own guidance system. Definitely not defensive weapons, but the JDAM-kitted ordnance is accurate to within about a 16′ circle when launched on a GPS target. They make holes right where you want holes unless the GPS signal is lost or jammed, then the circle grows to 100′. Less than ideal in an urban environment if Hamas has gained the required jamming capabilities.

  3. Jason

    >if Hamas has gained the required jamming capabilities.

    I think you just uncovered the proximate cause of the delay…

  4. Tuerqas

    > Instead, administration officials have noted that the overall U.S. policy toward Israel hasn’t changed.

    Biden admin personnel should only be able to say things like that that if they add on a crucial phrase at the end like Heh, my ass!!!” or “aw, just kidding”.
    Or maybe an exclusions application like “These statements are made in an election year and have no true bearing on any Dem policy decisions”. It can be in really small type, but it should have to be there.

  5. Jason

    >Biden admin personnel should only be able to say things like that that if they add on a crucial phrase at the end

    No shit.. did every fact checker retire the day Biden took the office?

    Remember all the equivocating that was done for Trump? Trump says “The sky is blue. It’s the best blue, well never see a better blue, you’re welcome”.

    And the fact checkers would go into full spin “Pants on fire. The sky is actually colorless, what appears to be blue is infact the reflection of sunlight on the water molecules that are in the atmosphere”.

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