Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1904, 19 Nov 24

A Few Thoughts

I’ve returned home after several days attending to wonderful family things and spending a couple days in our nation’s capital. No, I am not being considered for a cabinet post. Or am I?!?! Here are a couple of thoughts on recent events:

  • President Biden, or someone in his administration, just committed a bona fide act of war against a nuclear power by authorizing Ukraine to use American weaponry to strike deep into Russia. The deliberate escalation of a war by a lame duck president whose party was just resoundingly rejected by the American people is unconscionable. He is risking nuclear annihilation and sacrificing the lives of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians. Why? My guess is that the Biden Administration if trying to make it impossible for Trump to exit the Ukrainian war by escalating it for the purpose of keeping the military-industrial complex fed and to protect his family’s dealings in that rotten country. If there is anything about which Biden has been consistent, it is using his power and office for personal gain.
  • Except for Gaetz and Oz, I rather like Trump’s appointments so far. The American people voted for radical change and Trump is bringing in people who are capable of delivering it. I hope they all have the stomach to see it through for the sake of our children and their children. It is going to get nasty when swaths of bureaucrats are unemployed, and the federal spigots turn off. But for the sake of our children, it needs to happen.
  • This week I visited, amongst other things, Arlington House and Mt. Vernon. Both places gave honorable recognition to the enslaved people who serviced both Lee and Washington while still honoring these complex, yet important, Americans (no, I am not equating the two men, but they are both important parts of our American story). Well done.
  • Also in D.C., it was interesting how prevalent Trump gear was. I even saw two girls in a middle school group wearing MAGA hats. For the bluest of blue cities, Trump support was surprisingly strong.
  • It is insane that some states are still counting votes. Impoverished Third World countries are laughing at us.

1904, 19 November 2024


  1. MjM

    President Biden…. just committed a bona fide act of war

    He also authorized the use of US-made landmines.

    Except for Gaetz and Oz, I rather like Trump’s appointments so far.

    Oz is odd, but Gaetz a full-throttle anti-swap thang, so much so that even the GOP mud crawlers are scheming against him

    The absolute worst Trump picks are Kennedy and Gabbard. Both of these nutballs are going to be absolute nightmares in a very short time.

  2. Merlin

    The anti-personnel mines will be killing civilians for decades to come. Not a good idea, but Obama 3.0 has been just full of not good ideas. Fools.

  3. dad29

    Gabbard is an excellent pick. She is not beholden to war. This country has been at war since about 1960 (’63?) and that’s about enough.

  4. MjM

    Well, you are right about one thing: she will refuse war with Iran. And China. Both of whom she has staunchly defended.

    You may like her for being a peacenik flower child, but you may want to revisit the rest of her history…

    Lemme help. non-Democrat Gabbard wants:

    1) you to pay for abortions,
    2) you to pay for higher education
    3) you to pay for political campaigns.
    4) to end vouchers for private and religious schools
    5) to end cash bail
    6) to abolish Capitol punishment
    7) to abolish minimum sentencing
    8) ban “assault weapons”
    9) ban off-shore drilling
    10) ban “fossils fuels” by 2050
    11) ban nuclear power

    Hey, but she’s a Vet – like John Kerry – and she’s got a great smile.

  5. dad29

    Her job is Intel. That means the CIA will no longer create new wars, like it did in VietNam and Ukraine (for two obvious examples.) Nor is it likely that she will green-light the assassination of a President as happened in 1963.

    Your suggestion is that the US should commence a new war with Iran. That’s not in the cards.

  6. Merlin

    The DNI reports only to the President, so Gabbard’s success will be tied directly to just how much latitude Trump gives her and the 17 or so subordinate agency directors to clean house and reform their IC product. At least a couple of those agencies are still DoD properties, so Hegseth’s success will factor here too. If scorched earth are her orders, I don’t think she’ll need a whole lot of supervision. How hard Trump fights for her confirmation will tell you how badly he wants her in that job.

  7. MjM

    Her job is Intel.

    Yes, she did so well with Assad she’s qualified to oversee the FBI, CIA, HSC, NSC, and the SNZP.

    Your suggestion is

    I made no such suggestion. I merely prophesied Gabbard’s dereliction of duty.

    If scorched earth are her orders,…

    Doubtful her Hare Krishna cult upbringing allows her to comply. On the other hand, she has 180’d and turned against her and her fathers’ lifelong anti-gay preaching. Direction of the flame thrower is a personal choice.

    Speaking of scorched earths…

    Ecological degradation and a changing climate will continue to fuel disease outbreaks, threaten food and water security, and exacerbate political instability and humanitarian crises. Although much of the effect of a changing climate on U.S. security will play out indirectly in a broader political and economic context, warmer weather can generate direct, immediate impacts.” – current Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, April 14, 2021

    Why does that sound familiar? Oh, yeah…

    “President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, making us just one of three countries in the world not to participate, is short-sighted and irresponsible. Without global action to drastically curb carbon pollution, climate change threatens the safety and security of the planet.” – Tulsi Gabbard, D-HI, June 2, 2017

  8. dad29

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t she report to DJT?

    I think Bondi is a problem and I’m no fan of DJT’s Surgeon General pick.

    But I think the Israel Lobby is a far BIGGER problem, and they love to throw allegations and smears around, don’t they?

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