Boots & Sabers

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0939, 09 Nov 24

Source of Racist Texts Unknown

Law enforcement has already put more effort into trying to find the source of these texts than they have trying to locate and prosecute Epstein’s clients. And I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that the people who sent these texts are radical leftists trying to agitate.

The messages “appear to be robotext messages,” and the Nevada’s Attorney General’s Office is working with law enforcement to investigate their source, the office said in a statement on X.

Whoever is sending the racist text messages is using anonymizing software to obscure their location, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill told CNN on Friday. At least some of the messages were sent using an email service routing traffic through Poland, but it does not mean it is where the sender is, the attorney general said.

“They could be coming from Napoleonville, Louisiana, for all we know. We don’t know where they are originating from,” Murrill said.

Murrill said Thursday she directed state investigators “to fully investigate the origins of these disgusting texts that only intend to divide us.” The Louisiana Bureau of Investigations is “still trying to trace where everything is actually originating from,” she told CNN.

Attorneys general in Washington, DC, Virginia, New Jersey, Illinois and Maryland have condemned the messages and urged those who feel under threat to contact law enforcement.


0939, 09 November 2024

1 Comment

  1. Tuerqas

    If there is one place I am okay with lying to the people it might be in a situation like this. Do the investigation, prosecute them quietly and (likely) deport or imprison them if they are in the US, but if the public is told they are from Iran or Russia, it might have the opposite effect than dividing us. And it has a decent chance of being right. If the left or right in the US is responsible it is really shitty and it would add another nice wedge between them. Both would deny, lie, and blame the other regardless of fact which would be called lies by one side.

    That said, the times I have been called names, my most common reaction is to laugh and likely ridicule. Watching the news with a black person on the verge of tears for receiving a text about joining the cotton pickers is kind of ridiculous and sarcastic laugh worthy. Not one person who receive the texts has ever worked a cotton field or knew anyone who did. I have been called a nazi because I am half German and it was so stupid, I just laughed, albeit as derisively as I possibly could. The only correlation today between a black person and a cotton farm or chains is in the liberal public schools and the sole purpose of that is to keep them dissatisfied with any American not black or Democrat.

    The texting sucks, it is disgusting and I hope the people are caught and prosecuted, but liberal teaching is what makes it painful to individuals.

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