Boots & Sabers

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0739, 10 Sep 21

Biden Expands Reach of Federal Government with Sweeping Orders

I truly mourn the America we’ve lost. If we allow our president to use the violent power of the federal government to force needles into the arms of hundreds of millions of Americans, then we are definitely no longer in the America that previous generations enjoyed.

He said he had directed the US Department of Labor to require all private businesses with 100 or more staff to mandate the jab or request proof of a negative coronavirus test from employees at least once a week.

Nearly 17 million healthcare workers at facilities receiving federal benefits will also face the same requirements, he said.




The time for sweet-talking, for cajoling Americans to take the Covid-19 vaccine is over. The time for government mandates has arrived.

That was the blunt message Joe Biden delivered to the nation on Thursday afternoon. While many Americans have received at least one jab, the president laid the blame for the continued US health crises squarely at the feet of the 25% of the public who are unvaccinated and the politicians who he said were “actively working to undermine the fight”.

Mr Biden said his new vaccine orders were not about freedom or personal choice, but that’s exactly how some Americans will view them – as a forced choice between vaccination and continued employment. And while the mandates will increase the number of vaccinated Americans, it will also enflame a debate already rife with political tension.


0739, 10 September 2021


  1. Mar

    Yesterday was one of the saddest days in US history.
    No debate, no votes, just 1 person deciding what they think is best for the country.
    If allowed to stand, we will now have a dictatorship run country.

  2. Merlin

    There are supposedly +80 million fellow citizens completely at ease with living under a dictatorship as long as it’s their dictator doing the dictating. Right now there’s absolutely nothing that Democrats and foolish NeverTrumpers can’t rationalize away.

  3. Tuerqas

    Oldest con in the book, the classic ‘free taste’. I can hear all of the liberals thinking “YES! Make those anti-vaccers do the right thing!” Right up until they lose their job because their company had to shut down due to loss of workers. Even the easiest orders from a tyrant has ripples that no one sees until it is too late. The checks and balances are in the constitution for very good reasons. Democrats have only ever mis-understood half of that equation and have no concept of the other half. They understand ‘checks’.

  4. Merlin

    Democrats created this resistance to acceptance of the vaccines by demonizing them right up until Inauguration Day. They were ‘Trump vaccines’ and couldn’t be trusted. The vaccines weren’t properly tested and trialed. Project Warp Speed would never succeed. The same happened with the therapeutics. They intentionally created an atmosphere of fear and distrust toward the federal government that has persisted well beyond Biden’s coronation. They’ve even abandoned the ‘follow the science’ mantra. Gee, why do so many people under their own damned tent not trust them?

    This not incompetence. This is pure malevolence.

  5. Mar

    Can you imagine the outrage if President Trump did the same thing?
    The liberals and 99% of the media would go apoplectic.
    But since this is a liberal doing it, they are quiet.

  6. dad29

    Democrats created this resistance to acceptance of the vaccines by demonizing them right up until Inauguration Day. They were ‘Trump vaccines’ and couldn’t be trusted. The vaccines weren’t properly tested and trialed.

    I didn’t need any Democrats to tell me that these gene therapies were ‘not tested properly.’ And guess what? I WAS RIGHT!!

  7. Mar

    I wonder if those on welfare, unemployment or social security will be required to get their checks and benefits.
    And if not, why not?

  8. Merlin

    Curious how Kamala’s comments yesterday seemed to be a bit disconnected from Biden’s vaccine mandate. Maybe she didn’t get the memo.

  9. Mar

    What did she say?

  10. Merlin

    “When people are able to design their lives in the way they can determine their own futures, we are a stronger democracy and we are a stronger nation. When people are able to make choices, without government interference, for themselves in terms of their wellbeing, and the wellbeing of their family in consultation with whomever they may choose, we are a stronger society,” Harris said.

    Maybe she was only referring to the legalized murder of the unborn version of ‘my body, my choice’.

  11. jsr

    I know of a business that sent email about this requirement several days before it was announced and then pulled it back. When Biden announced it, then the email came out again. Anyone think that maybe at least some businesses got early notice?

  12. Mar

    Merlin, she’s totally clueless, and that quote proves it even more.

  13. Mar

    JSR, if it was a woke liberal company, probably, or it was a very lucky guess.
    I work at a business that doesn’t require vaccines nor really have a mask mandate(I name only).
    I already heard that many of our employees, myself included, will leave the company if the vaccine is mandated.
    Some fear the shot, I have natural immunity, which the fake doctor Fauci could not address today, so I don’t need the vaccine.
    I guess when you are a failed president just months into your presidency, you will do a hail Mary and 99% of hail Mary’s fail.

  14. MjM

    What companies who force their employees to be subjected to injection don’t seem to understand is that while the manufacturers of the injection are free from liability (for now) for adverse effects, they are not.

    Naturally, Babblin’ Joe has exempted congresscritters and their staff from his Xi Zeen mandate, as well as postal workers so they can continue mail fraud voting.

  15. Mike

    combine this with the push to have financial institutions report every transaction over $600.00 and government will have total control. Whoever is controlling Biden has come a long way in 8 months.

  16. Mar

    MJM, even Chairman Xi has gone this far. Only Micronesia and turkistan have gone as far Senile Joe.

  17. MHMaley

    The supporters of eliminating a woman’s choice over her body and rewarding her rapist with $10,000 if she gets an abortion and he reports it simultaneously whining about not having a choice from its government about taking a vaccine is laughable .

  18. Mar

    MHM you are laughable.
    No clue and stupid besides.

  19. dad29

    The law in Texas does NOT ‘eliminate a woman’s choice’ at all, as your own post proves.

    If the doctor-butchers actually believed in what they SAY, they’d continue butchering babies out of ‘principle.’

    But they quit the business, which means they have no principles, sorta like Maley.

  20. Tuerqas

    “Democrats created this resistance to acceptance of the vaccines by demonizing them right up until Inauguration Day. They were ‘Trump vaccines’ and couldn’t be trusted. The vaccines weren’t properly tested and trialed. Project Warp Speed would never succeed. The same happened with the therapeutics. They intentionally created an atmosphere of fear and distrust toward the federal government that has persisted well beyond Biden’s coronation. They’ve even abandoned the ‘follow the science’ mantra. Gee, why do so many people under their own damned tent not trust them?”

    Well said Merlin. It is pathetic how ‘follow the science’ is measured against every conservative belief, but goes away whenever it disagrees with very same conservative beliefs that suddenly become ‘sensible’ Democratic policies when they are in power. Warp speed vaccines was a perfect example. The iron mining bill during Scott Walker’s terms was another perfect example.

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