Boots & Sabers

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2233, 08 Jul 20

Blue Flight

What a shame.

In the past week, the number of officers filing for retirement has more than quadrupled on this time last year, with the exodus reportedly causing such a backlog of applications that the department is struggling to meet the demand.

Many of the officers hanging up their badges have cited a ‘lack of respect’ from the public amid national protests against police brutality following the death of George Floyd, and a loss of overtime pay following Mayor Bill de Blasio’s $1 billion cut to the department as the reason, the NY Post reported.

The NYPD said Wednesday that 179 cops filed for unemployment between June 29 and July 6 – a staggering 411 percent increase on the 35 who retired during the same time period last year.

The apparent evacuation comes as an astonishing 503 cops have reportedly filed for retirement between May 25 – the day of Floyd’s police killing – and July 3, according to the department.

That figure represents a 75-percent increase on the 287 cops who retired from the force during the same time period in 2019.

According to the Post, a line of officers were spotted lined up outside of One Police Plaza on Tuesday, where retirement paper are filed and processed.

‘Apparently, the pension section is only taking a certain amount of people per day and I think they are backed up till late July, early August,’ one officer told the outlet. ‘That’s why you don’t see like 100 a day, because they are only doing like 35 to 40 a day, by appointment.’


2233, 08 July 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals make war on cops. Cops had enough.

    Awful. Just awful.

  2. Randall Flagg

    Is it about lack of respect?  Or is it about money?

    “The source said the flood of overtime the officers received from last month’s protests – which would boost pension payouts – and the expected loss of future overtime payments as a result of NYPD budget cuts, is also likely a key factor.”

  3. Randall Flagg

    If we stopped counting the number retiring, it would not look as bad.

  4. jjf

    Randall, if we just didn’t look as often, we’d see less.  The only reason we’re seeing this is because we’re looking more often.

    I wonder how Arizona is doing with the virus these days.  Or Texas.  Anyone heard?  No doubt their common-sense re-opening approach is a good way to restart their economies.

  5. Mar

    No problems in Arizona, jjf. More cases, but mortality rate lower.
    Hospitals busy but not overwhelmed.
    Nothing we cannot handle.

  6. Jason

    Isn’t that amazing Mar?  Seems to be a trend nationally… more cases, lower mortality…  and yet the mainstream media switched to reporting “New Cases” as that’s the rising number.


  7. dad29

    Gee.  Who mis-directed this thread from cop retirements….?

    Oh, yah.

  8. jjf

    DaD29, I look forward to your policing of subject-changing in the comments.

    Feel free to look back in previous posts and find the moment when the subject changed, and perhaps build a spreadsheet noting the time of day when it happened and who did it and maybe make an extra column or two to help remind us of their nickname and physical attributes in order to best customize the subsequent comments about their subject-changing.

    For some popular subject-changing themes, maybe there could be columns in the spreadsheet for “evolution” and “Obama” and “Marxism” and “abortion.”   These would only need a checkmark, making it easier to record the facts.

    I bet you can figure out how my comment was based on Randall’s, right?

  9. Tuerqas

    Is it about lack of respect?  Or is it about money?

    Don’t they go hand in hand in this case?  The masses and Government want to punish the NYPD for past wrongdoings so they cut OT out of the budget because they no longer respect the job that NYPD is doing.

    The NYPD, having a harder and harder time doing their jobs because of the disrespect of the masses, have to work extra time and they are no longer compensated for it.  The Government that had to back them up, no longer does.  Extra danger from the front, no backstop behind.  I’d quit too.

  10. Tuerqas

    If we stopped counting the number retiring, it would not look as bad.

    Not really sure what you meant here.  Is this a criticism of the media or an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ statement?  Or something else?

  11. Mar

    I think it’s both about the money and the disrespect.
    The NYPD hates the mayor and the mayor hates the NYPD right back. Many in NYC do not like the cops and they are aggressive about taking out their hatred towards the cops.
    But the cops just a huge jump in overtime and there will be virtually no overtime next year. Financially speaking, it’s a good time to get out.
    Now, they can collect their pension. Those who want to remain being a cop can do it elsewhere. Others have skills that ate desirable so if they want to continue to work, that won’t be a problem. And the rest will move to Florida, Texas or Nevada where there is state income tax.

  12. Mar

    Should say no state income tax.

  13. jonnyv

    Wait, so a bunch of older, higher paid gov’t employees are leaving their position? Employees who clearly don’t do the job because they solely love it? Soon to be replaced by lower paid, newer employees and republicans are unhappy? I am willing to bet that many of these police are leaving because of the new lack of OT funds. It has been a problem for years that some police unions fight additional hirings because it would cause the officers with the most tenure less OT.

    This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Get new blood in there. Fresh faces. Employees who might have a better understanding of the current social atmosphere.

  14. Le Roi du Nord

    One only needs to look back at unintended consequences of Act10 here in WI. Teachers and public employees left in record numbers once their compensation was cut and the politicians (R) started their overt campaign of disrespect towards all public employees.

  15. Jason

    False Leroy, blatantly false.


  16. Le Roi du Nord

    No it isn’t.

  17. jjf

    Le Roi, I think Fitz didn’t want Act 10 to affect his family members who had jobs in the corrections industry, so maybe it didn’t affect them.

  18. Jason

    Yes it is.   Fun eh?  Typical discussion with a blind liberal fool.

  19. Mar

    So, there must be a massive teacher and public employee shortage in Wisconsin?
    Did some people resign because of Act 10. I am sure some people who were close to retiring did so
    Did massive amount of people quit? First, define massive.
    But as I recall, there was no worse teacher shortage than there usually is in special areas.
    Also, some teachers transferred to other districts where the pay was better. And soon, low paying districts started paying more.
    So, Le Roi, show us the proof of the massive retirements and the resulting teacher shortage.

  20. Mar

    So, looking at teacher recruiting web sites, like and, I found that there ate less than 190 vacancies on each site. And this is not just teacher vacancies in public schools. This includes charter and private schools and jobs like coaching and janitor.
    This does not even come close the term “massive”
    Does these sites cover all of Wisconsin teacher vacancies, but they do represent that there is not a teacher shortage either, except in the usual categories of Special ed science and math.
    So, Le Roi is lying again.

  21. Jason

    Leroy is so fond of saying this to Kevin, ironic now he has to be told… “You’re entitled to your opinion, but you don’t get to pass that off as facts to the rest of us.”

  22. Kevin Scheunemann


    Didn’t you know?  Nord is the sole, objective, determiner of “fact”.

    Since when is Act 10 “disrespect”?


  23. Mar

    Another reason why Le Roi is so wrong about teachers leaving teaching because of Act 10, is that most teachers had no place to go in the public sector. English, PE, Art, Math, Music and a few other teacher areas are not in great demand in the public sector.
    Computer, science, foreign language and some special education teachers could work in the public sector but would have to work longer hours and some might not get weekends off.

  24. Tuerqas

    One only needs to look back at unintended consequences of Act10 here in WI. Teachers and public employees left in record numbers once their compensation was cut and the politicians (R) started their overt campaign of disrespect towards all public employees.

    Well, there was a mass exodus in 2011 right when Act 10 passed so Le Roi’s  base statement is true.  The people that hatefully disagreed with getting rid of guaranteed raises for all employees regardless of results did leave in droves.  Then teacher retirements went right back to being a static percentage after 2011.  The facts are correct, it is just all the implications that are blatantly wrong.

    Attempting to imply that Republican admins are responsible for the primary police ‘conflict cities’ that are virtually all Democrat run majorities, the ‘campaign of disrespect towards public employees’ somehow include cops nationwide, any implication that education performances went down due to the 2011 exodus… you know, all of his conclusions from the one fact are bull.

  25. Mar

    Tuerqas,what is the link you got the statement from.

  26. Jason

    >Well, there was a mass exodus in 2011 right when Act 10 passed

    There was a statistical increase of retiring teachers aged 55+ in 2011.  That’s the minimum age of retirement in WRS… so no surprise there.

    His opinion is only partially correct… but without actual detail, saying it’s caused by Act 10 is sketchy at best.

  27. Randall Flagg

    So they waited until after the OT to retire so they would get larger pensions.

    It was clearly about money.

  28. Mar

    It wasn’t the only reason Randall.

  29. Randall Flagg


    If had been about Police feeling oppressed, why did they wait until AFTER the OT increased their wages, and thus their pensions?

  30. Tuerqas


    I am not sure to what you were referring, the quote is from Le Roi above, you can call up any WIS history on Teacher retirements to see the bare fact that retirements spike in 2011.  What are you asking for?

  31. Tuerqas


    There was a statistical increase of retiring teachers aged 55+ in 2011.  That’s the minimum age of retirement in WRS… so no surprise there.
    His opinion is only partially correct… but without actual detail, saying it’s caused by Act 10 is sketchy at best.

    Really?  I thought the graph was rather obvious:

    Based on the new annuities approved in 2011 there was a definite jump that year.  And I would bet the large increase were primarily people over 55 that had not taken advantage of the 55 retirement age, but then retired either out of protest or because they knew they were one of the teachers who had been getting guaranteed raises their whole career.  They saw that was gone and they would only get future raises based on results so they got out.

    The base fact was correct and not sketchy, I specifically said his opinion based on the one fact was crap.

  32. Tuerqas

    Crap, my graph didn’t paste.  I hate that.  The graph showed consistent retirement numbers of 8-10 k every year between 2008 and 2017 with the exception in 2011 with 15,000 retirees.

  33. Jason

    Uhm, that’s what I said as well. The “no surprise there” was in reference to what you also allude to, the smart ones 55 and over saw the teet was drying up and got out when they could. But its about the children I hear so often!

    So the base fact of “left in record numbers after…” was in fact just a single year of the chaff getting their “deserved” money and then the numbers went right back to normal. So I say again, partially true.

  34. dad29

    Teachers and public employees left in record numbers

    No, actually, teachers quite the Union that had been screwing them to the wall with its dues.  And the State of Wisconsin F-T-E number went UP every single year of Walker’s administration.

    You still haven’t figured out that Walker is a “government man,” LeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy?  You are quite dense.

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