Boots & Sabers

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0843, 29 Jun 20

Demographic Genocide in China

Meanwhile, in communist China.

The Chinese government is taking draconian measures to slash birth rates among Uighurs and other minorities as part of a sweeping campaign to curb its Muslim population, even as it encourages some of the country’s Han majority to have more children.

While individual women have spoken out before about forced birth control, the practice is far more widespread and systematic than previously known, according to an AP investigation based on government statistics, state documents and interviews with 30 ex-detainees, family members and a former detention camp instructor. The campaign over the past four years in the far west region of Xinjiang is leading to what some experts are calling a form of “demographic genocide.”

The state regularly subjects minority women to pregnancy checks, and forces intrauterine devices, sterilization and even abortion on hundreds of thousands, the interviews and data show. Even while the use of IUDs and sterilization has fallen nationwide, it is rising sharply in Xinjiang.

The population control measures are backed by mass detention both as a threat and as a punishment for failure to comply. Having too many children is a major reason people are sent to detention camps, the AP found, with the parents of three or more ripped away from their families unless they can pay huge fines. Police raid homes, terrifying parents as they search for hidden children.

Remember when you see the Soviet and communist symbols in these protests, this is where that ideology leads.


0843, 29 June 2020


  1. Jason

    Uighur Lives Matter!  Now let me go loot an Oreilly’s

  2. Randall Flagg

    Make sure you chant ‘white power’ while you do it.  If so, Trump will probably share a video of you doing it, and thank you as a great person.

  3. Tuerqas

    It’s sad, but I could understand and respect the ‘Draconian’ Chinese practice of limiting ALL of their people to 1 child for a generation.  They were heavily over-populated and they really required some sort of population control to gain and keep a healthy State.  That sort of hard decision that directly clashes with the self-interest of every citizen is not a possibility in a Democratic or Republic State and it was/is needed in China and India.  India is still in an upward spiral of population growth, China isn’t.

    As a country-wide regulation, I always thought it was actually commendable.  The real problem with those systems are that power always corrupts, and when that happens in a State that has dictatorial powers it is much quicker and more complete.  In Democracies and Republics, there is still corruption, but it takes much longer to get to extremism, because there are checks and balances, regulations on politicians, whistle-blowers, etc.  In Soviet/Chinese communism the power was/is concentrated to a much smaller group with zero oversight from the populace or any Government regulation on themselves, so corruption is much more profound and immediate.  They went right from saving their country from severe over-population, to a form of ‘negative trait’ Eugenics program targeting certain minorities and it has virtually no potential oversight.

    We think minorities have it hard in the US.  Compare it to virtually any non-Western country of 25 million or more (and the policies in place concerning minorities).  I am not saying minorities should shut up and say thank you to whites in America, but they should be extremely grateful they live in a country that allows them, even encourages them to pursue the opportunities to protest, work, and fight for a better life.

    Personally, I believe that if minorities came at it from a position of respecting the Country, change would come significantly faster.  I think too many racists believe that minorities are somehow disrespectful to the US and are being unpatriotic and hateful towards the US.  Therefore they don’t listen to the problems and often discount true injustices out of hand because a ‘US hater’ is the source or victim.

  4. jjf

    Such B&S,  Tuerqas.  “If only those minorities would show a little more respect.”  Just another hurdle to jump.

    Ope, whoops, there’s someone over there who isn’t showing enough respect, I guess y’all need to wait a little longer to treated fairly.  Show some respect for our process!

    I think you are saying that whites need more praise from minorities.

    And you are saying They need to be more grateful to Us Whites.

    You are saying that any of Them shouldn’t have a critical attitude about anything in the USA.

    All the other demonstrations of the injustice and the arguments against racist ideas and racist policies aren’t good enough to convince racists to change their minds?  The people who need to change their minds are the minorities?  O RLY.

  5. Jason

    Foust, projecting his White Fragility again, so he can feel better about his impure thoughts.  Our little troll is back at it today.

  6. Mar

    And yet jjf doesn’t give a crap about little Brown and Black children getting a good education.
    jjf couldn’t care less about little Brown and Black kids getting slaughtered in inner city neighborhoods.
    And jjf thinks that if you are Black or Brown, you automatically will have a worse life than White people.

  7. Randall Flagg

    And yet jjf doesn’t give a crap about little Brown and Black children getting a good education.

    What evidence do you have of that Mar?  I mean is he objecting to school vouchers?  If so I completely agree they should not exist.  No need to use tax dollars to fund more victims for the pedophiles who run Catholic schools.  If parents want to give them victims, let them pay for it.

  8. Mar

    Thank you for your racist response Randall. Make them pay for it themselves.
    Yup, let’s keep little Brown and Black children associating with little White children.
    And Randall, it’s constitutional, so your argue means squat.
    If the parent’s want their kids to go to those schools or other private schools, then it’s their choice.
    And you want to take that constitutional right away from them.

  9. jjf

    Randall, be sure to pass Mar’s statements along to Mar’s Anti-Lying Commission for investigation.

  10. Mar

    So, jjf, you deny what I said?
    You deny your opinions?
    You deny what you wrote?

  11. Tuerqas

    And jjf proves the point valiantly, thank you sir.  No respect, immediate and blind rejection of a considered opinion because it disagrees with his world-view.  Can’t even consider an opinion not his, he responds with: ‘You are just wrong and you are a lying racist’.  It is all he can come up with.  It is not surprising when all his opinions fall perfectly in line with the Democrat party platform, I guess.  You don’t have to think about the issue, just find your answer in the Dem manifesto.  Zero empathy (you really don’t need it when all of your arguments are preset).  Maybe some day jjf will be ready to have a real conversation, but not today.

    All the other demonstrations of the injustice and the arguments against racist ideas and racist policies aren’t good enough to convince racists to change their minds?  The people who need to change their minds are the minorities?  O RLY.

    All you are saying here is that the majority should shut up and accept all of the opinions of the minorities and do whatever they say(read:  Whatever their Dem overlords say).  No need for understanding, heck, the Dem playbook states clearly that anyone not on their side is not only racist, they cannot even imagine what being a minority member is like.  Boom, you’re done.  If a person is not 100% on your side, they are racist and have no empathy or imagination.  It is written in Dem stone what I am, so you don’t need any empathy or imagination yourself, you are already correct.  US Blacks are struggling most in Democratic controlled strongholds?  The Dem playbook clearly states that is still somehow the fault of Republicans and racists, even though they aren’t the majority so that is so.  No need to think about it or consider how to fix inner city problems, just blame racist Republicans and everyone else non-Democrat.  If you ever learn critical thought, maybe you can participate a little deeper than blind adherence to a credo.

  12. jjf

    Tuerqas, who said anything about Democrat positions?

    I thought we were talking about anti-racism.

    Your position is “If They’d just show Us more respect, They might make progress against racism.”

    I’m not asking you to adopt any beliefs of the minority.  You’re the one telling Them to behave better – that is, They should think more like Us.

    I’m just asking for people to work against racist thoughts and racist policies.

    What exactly does expression of sufficient patriotism have to do with racist ideas?

    Political efficacy?  That’s how you want to undo systemic racism?

    Maybe They should try to convince Trump to not re-tweet Our racist protesters, too.  Let’s ask Them to do all the work for Us.

    Who has the bigger problem here – the people with the racist ideas and behind the racist policies or the people who aren’t expressing enough patriotism for your tastes?

  13. Kevin Scheunemann

    Perfect synapsis Owen!

    None of our usual liberal suspects will denounce their awful, evil, ideology in practice.

  14. Merlin

    Recognize the utter failure of systemic liberalism in urban America as the root of most, if not all, urban issues and you’ll have someplace to start. You can’t fix problems you refuse to correctly identify.

  15. Randall Flagg


    It’s really sad you want tax dollars going to support pedophiles and provide them with more victims.  I want to protect white, back, brown…all children from abuse.  Yet you would have them thrown to the wolves, aided by tax dollars.  Disgusting.

  16. Randall Flagg

    “Personally, I believe that if minorities came at it from a position of respecting the Country, change would come significantly faster.  I think too many racists believe that minorities are somehow disrespectful to the US and are being unpatriotic and hateful towards the US.”

    The problem with this is who defines what “respecting the country” means.  For too many whites (especially Trump supporters) it means behaving the way THEY think you should behave.  For example, if they had their way, criticism of Trump would not be allowed.

    I think one of the greatest signs of respect for our country is to admit it (especially it’s leaders) are not perfect, continue to identify it’s flaws, and to bring notice to them.  If that requires kneeling during the national anthem (a song) so be it.  if the national anthem is more important to you (the generic you, not you specifically) than what has been happening to minorities in America, I would assert you really don’t care about or respect America.

  17. Mar

    “It’s really sad you want tax dollars going to support pedophiles and provide them with more victims.  I want to protect white, back, brown…all children from abuse.”
    I agree because the government run schools have no rapists,pedophiles, perverts, physical abusers.
    You don’t live in the real world do you Randall. You live in the world full of unicorns and pixie dust?

  18. Randall Flagg


    I missed where government run schools in every state had known pedophiles, enabled them to continue, moved them to other schools  to they could continue to prey, and fought to have them exposed.

    Furthermore where did government schools have leaders assault employees and force them to get abortions, all the while saying abortion is wrong.

    In order for government schools to be like the Catholic church, they would have needed to do all of this (and more).  So if you want to provide a comparison, at least provide one that is remotely similar.


  19. Randall Flagg

    It’s not the abuse Mar that makes what the Catholic church did unconscionable.  All institutions have bad apples.

    It was the centuries long cover up.

  20. jjf

    Spot on, Randall.  I’m surprised that Tuerqas thinks the majority should be able to tell the minority what to think, especially when it comes to pivoting to patriotism.  The majority doesn’t have a uniform definition or application of patriotism now any more than the minority does.

    So who is Tuerqas’s “Us” in this situation?  Everyone who is a minority is a “Them?”  Defined how?

    And certainly Tuerqas is smart enough to recognize the usual schism where Republicans claim to be more patriotic than Democrats.  Or that there will always be a segment of the majority who will claim the minority isn’t quite there yet when it comes to patriotism, and will demand more before change can be addressed.  (This is quite similar to the way the looters in recent protests have been used to write-off the peaceful protesters.)

    And the same friendly suggestion has been made to Democrats (by Republicans) in the past, too.  Just be more patriotic – we define patriotic – and you’ll get more votes.

    I think Tuerqas is just repeating a common GOP argument that is driven by a desire for more votes…  if you just behave more like Republicans, maybe then we’ll make some changes.

  21. dad29

    They were heavily over-populated

    OK, T:  define your terms.

  22. Tuerqas

    Ope, whoops, there’s someone over there who isn’t showing enough respect, I guess y’all need to wait a little longer to treated fairly.  Show some respect for our process!

    I’d bet you a million bucks you treat most people that disrespect you or something you believe in differently than a person who treats you respectfully or shares the same view on something you care about.  Color of skin has nothing to do with that.  I can point out literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of comments on this blog alone to show your level of respect for people who disagree with you.  Yeah, yeah I know, this all just means I am more racist.

  23. dad29

    Some whiner continues to use the term “systemic racism” even though he lost that argument about 2 weeks ago.  So now he adds a new soundtrack.


  24. jjf

    Tuerqas, so why did you pivot to patriotism as the way the minority can have their injustices fairly heard and addressed by, as you described them, racists?  Now it’s “respect?”

    I’m not here to have my civil rights protected.  I’m far more civil than what’s tossed at me.  Did you find that when you assessed the respect level of thousands of comments here?

    Join the fray, Dad29.  Tell us what you think They need to do for Us.

  25. Tuerqas

    Your position is “If They’d just show Us more respect, They might make progress against racism.”

    If that is what you got from my comments, you are some level of intellectually challenged.  Or maybe you have a pre-conceived idea in your head that looks for the worst in any post from say, me, Jason, mar, Owen, etc. ad nauseam.  Now what is that called…

    I’d say read it again, but there is no point with you.  For the record, I did not state my position.  I said most everyone has preconceived mindsets largely based on interactions, news, past and present interactions (political platforms that they embrace) that have combined to shape their beliefs.  You, for instance, have a preset notion that anyone who disagrees with your ideals is not only wrong, they are racist, and your ideals align with the Dem platform.  Hence, the relevance in past commentary concerning Democratic indoctrination and yourself.

    What exactly does expression of sufficient patriotism have to do with racist ideas?

    Seriously?  You don’t see the relation between so many of the ‘Love my Country’ fanatics and the literally dozens of truly racist beliefs they espouse? (Like building walls to keep minorities out, deporting people back to their home countries, to name a couple).  There is not a racist org in America that doesn’t have the ‘We love America more than all those minority losers that somehow manage to both take their jobs and their tax money for being lazy on welfare’.

  26. Randall Flagg

    There is not a racist org in America that doesn’t have the ‘We love America more than all those minority losers that somehow manage to both take their jobs and their tax money for being lazy on welfare’.

    Well put, although I would say “racist organizations and people”  Look at the rhetoric of Donald Trump.  It is tuned to appeal to those very organizations.  Thus, trump is clearly racist (as confirmed by his tweeting a video of someone yelling white power and calling them “great people.”)

    Of course what we see time and time again is people able to identify the racism in “them” while being able to completely overlook the racism in “us.”  Until people hold their own accountable (in political parties, police forces, religions, movements and countless other classes of organizations) nothing will change.

  27. jjf

    You stated your position.  You said the minorities should exhibit more patriotism so that the (racist?) majority would like them better.

    Personally, I believe that if minorities came at it from a position of respecting the Country, change would come significantly faster.  I think too many racists believe that minorities are somehow disrespectful to the US and are being unpatriotic and hateful towards the US.  Therefore they don’t listen to the problems and often discount true injustices out of hand because a ‘US hater’ is the source or victim.

    This is how they minority is supposed to appease the racist majority, in order to have their basic liberties insured?  How are “minorities” not sufficiently respectful and not patriotic?  Maybe this isn’t your view, but you think it’s the view of a majority of others?

  28. Randall Flagg

    I am not saying minorities should shut up and say thank you to whites in America, but they should be extremely grateful they live in a country that allows them, even encourages them to pursue the opportunities to protest, work, and fight for a better life.

    Why should this be limited to minorities.  Shouldn’t EVERYONE in America be grateful?

  29. jjf

    Randall, clearly the Constitution says that if you don’t show enough respect and patriotism to your betters, surely you can’t expect even-handed enforcement of these rights.

  30. Randall Flagg

    Close JJF.  But it is important to note the method of respect and patriotism is chosen by the betters like Tuergas.  In addition the betters do not have to be grateful for their rights.

  31. jjf

    You’d think that racists learning a little patriotism and respect for others would go a long way to reduce racism – but no, it’s the minorities who need to improve themselves.

  32. Randall Flagg

    Or that the groups the racists are in would soundly call them out on their racism and not tolerate it.  Instead, we have the POTUS calling racists “great people.”

  33. dad29

    Underlying theme from Jiffy:  only whites are racist.

    Underlying theme from Flubb:  only Trump is horrible and awful.  Other whites are just awful.

    Owen wins “most tolerant blog-owner” again.

  34. Randall Flagg

    You must not read my posts carefully dad69.  If you did, you would know that I consider the Catholic Church horrible and awful.

    Trump does get extra points as he praises and encourages the horrible and awful in addition to being terrible and awful himself.   For example in the latest horrible and awful incident, he completely ignored Russians paying bounties on US soldiers.

    But I don’t expect you, Mar, Merlin, Jason or Kevin to criticize him for this (or anything)  After all, cult members don’t criticize their leader.  Instead the cult members attack those that criticize Dear Leader.

    Owen just might though.




  35. Randall Flagg

    In the second latest horrible and awful incident, he tweeted a video with white supremacists chanting white power, thanked them and called them “great people.”

  36. jjf

    Nope, Dad29, I’ve never said that.  Anyone can have racist thoughts.

    Which racist beliefs have you identified within yourself, and done away with?

  37. Jason

    >You must not read my posts carefully dad69

    I thought you were bragging about your maturity just hours ago? How the mighty have fallen. Careful if you discredit yourself much more you’ll be ignored as much as Johnny Foust. His neck beard is the biggest reason we ignore his opinion.

  38. jjf

    See, Randall, B&S is just a lyceum of civil and considerate debate on the issues, including self-examination and reflecting on the issues of our time.

  39. Jason

    Troll says bad things about blog.  Troll comes back every morning when he’s billing his customers for work.  Troll bad.  Neckbeard bad.

  40. Mar

    “Which racist beliefs have you identified within yourself, and done away with?”
    So, jjf, we know your present day racist thoughts but which racist thoughts have you done away with?

  41. Randall Flagg


    I see three main themes from most posters on B&S:

    1)  Democrats are the source of all evil

    2)  Republicans never do anything wrong, thus anything they do can be justified

    3)  Trump is our god, lord and savior.  Everything he does is perfectly OK.  Anyone who criticizes him must be attacked.

  42. jjf

    4) And while of course the blog owners decide what’s posted, the comments can quickly pivot to topics like abortion and evolution but never to whatever crazy thing Trump did today.

  43. Kevin Scheunemann


    1.) Not source of all evil, but certainly open and embrasive of evil on many levels.

    2.) Republicans do things wrong, but at least they love the country and still respect the foundational Christian values of Wertern civilization.   Democrats openly scorn those values today.

    3.) No one thinks he is Lord and Savior, and I do criticize Trump.   Just because I criticize him on some things does not mean I will not vote for him.

    4.)  jjf, look in the mirror when it comes to pivoting off topic.   If nord was not hear you would be the worst one for this.



  44. jjf

    Randall, it’s just not fair, what with their constant trolling of me with their spelling errors.

  45. Le Roi du Nord

    “but at least they love the country”  You mean like trump ignoring russia putting a bounty on US soldiers?

    “still respect the foundational Christian values of Wertern civilization”   That is wrong in so many ways…..

  46. Mar

    Oh Le Roi, you and Pat falling for another fake story.
    You guys are so gullible.

  47. Le Roi du Nord

    Wrong again mar, I didn’t fall for another fake story.  You were the one that bought into trumps hydroxychlorquine nonsense.. Pay attention, fella.

  48. Mar

    So Randall, let’s see what all the liberals bring to the table here.
    1. Trump is evil.
    2. Hate.
    3. Racism, some worse than others.
    4. Lying, again some worse than others.
    5. Stupidity.
    6. No solutions to problems.
    7. Do not dare to criticize other liberals.
    8. Believe what the media tells them.

  49. jjf

    5) DO YOU DENOUNCE _______ ?  TELL ME!  TELL ME!

  50. Mar

    jjf got tested and it lookslike he got his test results back.
    His IQ test came back negative.

  51. Mar

    Le ROI, you were so wrong about the Chinese virus, so I would not talk.
    And I sure hope you have stopped taking the drug hydroxychlorquine.
    It is a dangerous drug and I care about your safety.

  52. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, I wasn’t. 128K and counting deceased, red states in trouble, and the trump wonder drug was a failure. And the name has been changed to the trump virus since he knows the most about it, or so he claims.

    Thanks for your concern, but in true mar fashion I’m sure you are lying.

  53. jjf

    Le Roi, hurp durp weren’t the liberals so triggered by their clever use of the phrase “Chinese virus”?

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