Boots & Sabers

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2111, 16 May 20

Puerto Rico to Hold Statehood Referendum

Irrespective of whether or not Puerto Ricans want to be a state, does America want another state?

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Gov. Wanda Vázquez announced on Saturday that she will hold a nonbinding referendum in November to decide whether Puerto Rico should become a U.S. state, a move that comes amid growing disillusion with the island’s U.S. territorial status.

For the first time in the island’s history, the referendum will ask a single, simple question: Should Puerto Rico be immediately admitted as a U.S. state?

It’s an answer that requires approval from U.S. Congress and a question that outraged the island’s small group of independence supporters and members of the main opposition Popular Democratic Party, which supports the status quo. But it’s a gamble that members of the governor’s pro-statehood party are confident will pay off given that Puerto Rico has struggled to obtain federal funds for hurricanes Irma and Maria, a string of recent strong earthquakes and the coronavirus pandemic amid growing complaints that the island does not receive fair and equal treatment.


2111, 16 May 2020


  1. Jason

    I don’t have a problem with America having another or several more states.  Why would I?

  2. Mar

    Sure. Let’s then split up California.
    Otherwise, hell no.

  3. dad29

    Puerto Rico is even more a failed state than is Illinois or California, which takes some doing.  Additional States are fine, but let’s find one that is worthy of admission.

  4. Merlin


  5. jsr

    Either make Puerto Rico a state or cut it loose.  It’s been a territory for long enough.

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