Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1647, 13 Oct 19

America to Trade Communists for Hong Kong Freedom Fighters

I’d be down for this

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The American state department has come up with an ingenious plan to solve China’s democratic protest problems and make our nation great again in one fell swoop.

Through some great negotiating on the part of Donald Trump, we’ve struck a deal to trade all of our country’s Communists for Hong Kong’s democratic protesters.

After the deal was made, the military began rounding up the Communists—who didn’t complain, as they’re all for an authoritarian state—and putting them in cargo planes. They were then flown across the Pacific Ocean and dropped off in Hong Kong before the democratic protesters in China were loaded up into the now-empty planes and flown back to America.

“This is the best deal, maybe ever,” said Trump. “We’ll get rid of some wackos on the left, my buddy Xi will be happy with his new commie followers, and we’ll gain some great new citizens who will be really appreciative to me and never complain about anything. Greatest deal in the history of deals.”

(yes, I know it’s a parody)


1647, 13 October 2019


  1. Merlin

    We’d need to specify a no returns policy right up front. No exchanges either.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann


    Let’s do it!

  3. Mar

    I’d rather put the communists in zoos under the label of endangered species.

  4. dad29

    yes, I know it’s a parody

    You know how to make me cry.

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