Boots & Sabers

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1733, 28 Sep 19

White House Restricted Access to Transcripts of Calls


The White House has restricted access to transcripts of some of President Donald Trump’s calls with foreign leaders, US media report.

Officials said notes about calls to leaders including Russia’s Vladimir Putin and the Saudi crown prince had not been handled in the usual way.

They say aides severely curtailed who saw them in a bid to stop leaks.

The White House has not so far commented on the claims, which follow the start of an impeachment inquiry.

Democrats launched the inquiry after the transcript of a July phone call revealed that President Trump pushed Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

According to officials quoted in various US media outlets, the policy of restricting access to transcripts of some of the president’s calls with foreign leaders began more than a year ago.

Setting aside the current controversy, is this a scandal? One would think that the transcripts and/or recordings of calls between the POTUS and foreign leaders would be highly restricted. Secrecy is critical so that our president can have frank conversations with foreign leaders without either participant worrying about the contents of the conversation being made public.

In this case, due to repeated instances of someone in the U.S. government leaking parts of these conversations to the media, the administration changed the way they secure the information to make it more secure. Isn’t that what we would expect them to do? The move to make the transcripts more secure was in response to actual breaches of security.


1733, 28 September 2019


  1. Mar

    Of course they need to switch servers to frustrate all the swamp creatures. These conversations have to be secret and away nosey swamp critters.

  2. Mar

    And I might add, that tape was saved on a government server, not a private server in some persons basement.

  3. dad29

    Trump’s principal antagonist, the Deep State, includes both Intel and State Department as well as Establishment politicians.  Intel and State think that they are running foreign policy–which they largely DID until Trump.  Of course, foreign policy can be extremely lucrative, just like domestic policy.  Ask any Member of Congress or Senator about their net worth pre-election and currently….

    Trump is not motivated by money, nor really by power.  He is motivated by making America First and Great.  This threatens every single member of the Establishment and Deep State actors.  He’s taking their toys away and he’s putting them in their room, too.

    It’s war.


  4. Le Roi du Nord

    “Trump is not motivated by money, nor really by power.”

    Now that is truly a delusional comment unsupported by any fact or evidence.

  5. Mar

    Uneducated (name given lovingly) your President Trump does not salary, so he is not after money. As for power, he is trying to run the administration like a business. He has the power of a CEO and delegates or takes over some duties as he sees fit. Does he have power of course, does crave a lot of power, no.

  6. Le Roi du Nord

    m (take that however you want):

    trump doesn’t need a salary when he is getting rich renting out his resorts to staffers, gofers, and military folks, charging the secret service for golf carts at his resorts, and promoting his “brand” as often as possible.

    And the administration of our nation isn’t, never was, and never will be a “business”. Unless you want to count the profits his organization and grifter kids are making off the taxpayers.  That should be self-evident for a self-proclaimed smart guy like yourself.

    And keep working on those mail-order classes.  Civics and poli-sci should be next on your to do list.

  7. dad29

    Awwwwww…..Widdle WeeWoy doesn’t like President.  So sad.

  8. Le Roi du Nord

    You know what’s sad,dud?  That a grown man like you feels compelled to make fun of folks with disabilities.  Pretty juvenile on your part, eh?  But then you are just emulating your idol.  That is sad, for both of you.


  9. Merlin

    Compartmentalization and need to know is the basis of all COMSEC. Doesn’t matter if it’s the WH, CIA, military, or corporate. This practice is global and a few centuries old. The big bitch here seems to be that the Trump Administration has become pretty good at it.

  10. Mar

    Hmm, L, what disability group is dad belittling? I pretty sure I know all the disabilities out there, so, did you just a new disability?

  11. Mike

    Obama didn’t have to contend with the leaks from internal RESISTers that trump does. He has to do more to secure classified info.

  12. Pat

    I’m glad we have patriots working in government that will stand up for America by exposing tyrannical thuggery.

  13. dad29

    Yes, Patsy.  That’s exactly why Barr, Trump, Giuliani, and a host of others are going around the world interviewing Known Associates of Hillary, Kerry, Obama, Brennan, and Clapper.  They’re also digging around at the State Department and will soon be looking at staffers of Senate Intel committee.

    There will be some Senate and House members who get the same loving treatment in the next several months.

    Glad to know you support Trump & Co.  When did the light dawn for you?

  14. dad29

    what disability group is dad belittling?

    People suffering from Daffy Duck Disease.

  15. dad29

    Correction:  Elmer Fudd-ism.

    Notice how Lefties immediately assume some sort of Evil Discriminatory Hate?  There’s a reason for that:  projection.

  16. Pat

    Giuliani Is part of Trumps deal state.

  17. dad29

    Have a fact handy, Patsy-O?

  18. Pat

    And now we hear Barr is investigating US intel services, via foreign intel services? WTF!

  19. Le Roi du Nord

    Just curious, what authority does Giuliani have to do any of this?  He doesn’t work for the State Dept, DoJ, or any other federal agency.  He is trump’s private lawyer.  And if he is as ethically challenged (and it appears he is) as the one they could end up as cell mates.

  20. dad29

    Civil suit, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy.  The spying campaign and its proximate cause (the bundle of lies called ‘dossier’) were ginned up and operative largely prior to his inauguration.  That’s activity which is not only a criminal matter, but also an excellent predicate for a large and very winnable civil suit.  Only question is “How will Trump collect from people in Club Fed?”

    Barr is doing his job, Patsy-O.  When there are criminals, it’s customary for prosecutors to secure “evidence” from “witnesses.”  It doesn’t matter that witnesses are in other countries.  You could watch “Law and Order” to learn such things.  That won’t strain your intelligence.

  21. Pat

    That’s Miss Patsy-O to you, Dud.

  22. Le Roi du Nord

    I doubt if a civil suit against foreign governments or nationals is in the future for anyone. And is Giuliani registered as a foreign agent?  It won’t be long and trump will throw Rudy under the bus as is his MO.

    “When there are criminals, it’s customary for prosecutors to secure “evidence” from “witnesses.” ”      Sorta like the Mueller investigation, eh?

  23. jjf

    So Dad29, back in the day, where did you stand on Nixon’s innocence?

  24. Merlin

    The Barr/Durham investigation is touching foreign intelligence services precisely because our intelligence services enlisted them to circumvent domestic law prohibiting spy activity targeting U.S. citizens. A relatively small number of people in Obama’s DoJ, CIA, FBI, and the Clinton campaign were up to their necks in it.

    The media frenzy focused on China Joe’s corruption regarding his son’s employment by Ukraine’s Burisma is not really what interests Durham (and Giuliani). Tangentially, maybe, but not directly. Biden’s own words on video tape will bury him on that count. What interests Durham/Giuliani is Biden’s role in enlisting the pre-Zelensky Ukraine government’s help in what has become known as spygate.


  25. dad29

    I doubt if a civil suit against foreign governments or nationals is in the future for anyone.

    Send Rudy a letter.  I’m certain that he will appreciate your expertise in legal matters.

    Sorta like the Mueller investigation, eh?

    Yah, except there was no evidence because there was no criminal activity on the part of Trump.  But Mueller needed a few million bucks for his 401-K.

    where did you stand on Nixon’s innocence?

    What crime did Nixon commit, Jiffy?  Be specific.

  26. jjf

    Ah, I see.  Nixon didn’t do anything wrong, either.  Well, when Trump resigns in exchange for immunity, again you can have a clear conscience.

  27. Pat

    As the Justice Department prohibits the prosecution of a sitting president Mueller stated, “Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.” “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,”

  28. Le Roi du Nord

    Well dud, you have shown the world how little you know about investigations, and determining if a crime was, or wasn’t committed.  Thanks for your admission.

    And where did that few million bucks come from??

  29. dad29

    I expected LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy to run away while calling names.  It’s his specialty in debate.  Run, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy, Run!!

    But while you’re running, take lessons from a master liar, Mueller.  What he said was “We got nothin’ here.”  (True dat.)  But he made it sound so good that your pants got all wet, right?  Sad that after all that money and time, he could not hand the Two Stooges:  Nadler, and Schitt, anything they could use.

    Jiffy, still waiting for you to name the crime.  You’re not nearly as good as LeeeeeeeeeRoy at running away while crying to Mama.  Practice up a bit.

    On second thought, don’t bother with Law & Order.  Too complex for you.  Big words like “investigate” and “evidence” and stuff like that.  Nobody has the time to repair your PublickScrewels deficiencies.

  30. jjf

    I asked where you stood on Nixon’s innocence.  Anyone who knows history knows he wasn’t convicted of anything.  He resigned first.  Hence my question, Teach.

  31. Le Roi du Nord

    Didn’t run away dud, but pointed out your lack of knowledge of why and how investigations are conducted.

    And no, Mueller never said that.

  32. Mar

    jjf, Nixon was innocent. He never was convicted nor impeach, thus he is innocent.

  33. jjf

    And yet for some reason, Ford pardoned Nixon.  So Trump hasn’t been impeached, convicted, given immunity or pardoned just yet.  Why can’t we speculate on what he’s done?  As with Nixon, we should look at what he did.

  34. Pat

    Stable Genius?

  35. Mar

    Moronic jjf, so speculation equals guilty? How idiotic is that? Yeah, very stupid.

  36. jjf

    I didn’t say speculation equals guilty.  You’re on a political blog.  There’s plenty of speculation in all directions here.  It’s the core function.  Owen gets the fantods and clutches his pearls at the slightest suspicion a politician is not swinging his direction.

    So tell me, if Nixon wasn’t about to be convicted of several items, why did Ford pardon him?

    Or as the ever-loved Wikipedia summarizes it:

    After Ford left the White House in 1977, he privately justified his pardon of Nixon by carrying in his wallet a portion of the text of Burdick v. United States, a 1915 U.S. Supreme Court decision that suggests that a pardon carries an imputation of guilt and that acceptance carries a confession of guilt.[4][5]

  37. jjf

    I didn’t say speculation equals guilty.  You’re on a political blog.  There’s plenty of speculation in all directions here.  It’s the core function.  Owen gets the fantods and clutches his pearls at the slightest suspicion a politician is not swinging his direction.

    So tell me, if Nixon wasn’t about to be convicted of several items, why did Ford pardon him?

    Or as the ever-loved Wikipedia summarizes it:

    After Ford left the White House in 1977, he privately justified his pardon of Nixon by carrying in his wallet a portion of the text of Burdick v. United States, a 1915 U.S. Supreme Court decision that suggests that a pardon carries an imputation of guilt and that acceptance carries a confession of guilt.

  38. Merlin

    In other news, State Department IG Linick’s (an Obama man) “urgent” matter briefing before Congress yesterday dealt with Democratic ties to Ukraine. Ties to pro-Russian elements in Ukraine. Briefings on Britain, Italy, Australia, and Turkey have not yet occurred. It looks more like a courtesy call than anything else to let Pelosi know that Schiff is standing on a landmine.

  39. jjf

    Ford thought Nixon was guilty of something, so he pardoned him.

    So Trump resigns, Pence pardons him and all his family members and Barr and whoever else is implicated, then Pence steps down and lets Pelosi take over because Pelosi agrees to pardon him, too, once she’s President.

  40. Mar

    Living in fantasy world again, jjf? You don’t think Pence would not appoint a vice president before he would resign?

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