Boots & Sabers

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2113, 31 Dec 18

White Women Need Not Apply

When social justice warriors run amok.

women’s march rally has been cancelled over concerns the turnout would be “overwhelmingly white”.

The demonstration, in the town of Eureka in northern California, was due to take place on 19 January but the event has now been called off because it lacks representation from across the community.

Organisers said the decision, which comes amid friction in the wider women’s march movement, followed a number of conversations with leading local activists and supporters of the march.

“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” said a statement on Facebook. “Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organising team will take time for more outreach.”

Because white women can only have one perspective, right? This is the not-so-subtle bigotry of the Left. One’s views, perspectives, opinions, and values must be neatly defined by one’s outward characteristics like race, gender, etc. They can’t even compute that two white women might have radically different perspectives – much less that that’s perfectly okay.


2113, 31 December 2018


  1. Jason

    I expect this is one of many such events that will lead the Left to redefine racism into something that exculpates this strange turn.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    This is the overt, ugly, bigotry and hate of left.

    White women are second lowest on the liberal victim heirarchy.

    Only white men are lower.

    What that means is:  your opinion is not valid because you are white.

    Leftist hate needs to stop.

  3. jjf

    Heck, here in Wisconsin, there are folks who even think your vote is invalid if you live in Milwaukee or Madison. How does that compute?

    But go ahead, Owen…  show us a liberal (who is not made of straw) who actually thinks two women could not have radically different perspectives.

  4. Jason

    >here in Wisconsin, there are folks who even think your vote is invalid if you live in Milwaukee or Madison. 


    First whopper of 2019 for Foust?

  5. jjf

    Keep up, Jason.  Read what Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald were saying a few weeks ago.

  6. Merlin

    This ongoing liberal cannibalism isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’m not sure why they desire a purity to their lunacy, but let them marginalize and alienate to their heart’s content. Encourage it.

  7. Jason

    >Read what Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald were saying a few weeks ago.

    In other words, a big whopper to start the year out with.  364 more days of your intolerant bullshit.

  8. Le Roi du Nord


    Data will be the downfall of the ideologically pure like j and k.

  9. jjf

    Surely Jason will supply data to show that the WisGOP does care about Milwaukee and Madison voters.

  10. Jason

    I read that jjf, if all you have is innuendo and “shady secret messages between the lines” then you’re in for a disappointing 2019.  More of the same for you sir!

  11. Kevin Scheunemann

    Nord, jjf,

    The problem is: the Madison/Milwaukee voter does not care about the rest of the state!

    That is the crime here.

  12. Le Roi du Nord


    Do you have evidence of criminal activity ?  If so, you should notify our new AG.  He might actually do something besides waste $$ on KAED coins.

  13. Kevin Scheunemann

    It was hyperbole about the selfish cesspools Milwaukee and Madison have become.

    I’d suggesting prosecuting liberals for their constant racism, but I hold freedom of speech absolute. So Milwaukee and Madison have right, no matter how despicable, to constantly sort people by race in their racism.

  14. Le Roi du Nord

    Perhaps if you used facts instead of hyperbole folks would have a greater chance of believing you.  Making sure your comments made even an iota of sense would help, too.

  15. jjf

    Or to paraphrase Owen, because big-city folk can only have one perspective, right? This is the not-so-subtle bigotry of the WisGOP. One’s views, perspectives, opinions, and values must be neatly defined by one’s zip code. They can’t even compute that two city dwellers might have radically different perspectives – much less that that’s perfectly okay.

  16. Kevin Scheunemann

    When th “city dwellers” throw out the greatest governor ever (when 57% of the rest of the state voted for Walker), because of their covetous liberal greed demanding rest of state feed the 2 big cities which have racist liberal agendas….that is awful.

  17. Le Roi du Nord


    Many rural areas in the state cast more votes for Evers in 2018 than in 2014.  My rural northern county had an increase in D votes of 3.5%.  Even Washington County was up 3,196 D votes.  If you are going to blame someone or thing, perhaps you should look to facts to enhance your argument rather than utter ideological nonsense.  Source: WEC

    And a county by county analysis showed that the greater the educatiion level, the more D (by %) votes for Evers.  Source: Politico




  18. jjf

    Well, Le Roi, Kev did state that he’s the greatest gov ever!  Quod erat demonstran-dumb!


  19. Jason

    >Many rural areas in the state cast more votes for Evers in 2018 than in 2014

    Of course they did as he wasn’t on the ballot in 2014. Quod erat you’re dumb.


  20. dad29

    Most rural residents understand instinctively that Tom Barrett–a Milwaukee Mayor–is The Enemy.  Evers, although a Madison Lefty through and through, doesn’t wear the “Big Tax-Sucking Sewer Drain Here” label of Milwaukee.

  21. Le Roi du Nord


    You are correct; I should have said, “Many rural areas in the state cast more votes for Evers in 2018 than for Burke in 2014”.  My apologies. Sorry to confuse you.  But the fact remains that Evers picked up votes all over the state compared to Burke in 2014.   You, dud and k can spin that all you want, but the fact remains that the voters tossed the “greatest governor ever” out on his keester.

  22. Kevin Scheunemann


    Your fact is irrelevant:   Walker dominated everywhere but Madison and Milwaukee.

    It is ia simple fact: Milwaukee and Madison are the 2 parasitic blights on the state.   they take the most public resources from others in the state and consume the most public resources.

  23. Le Roi du Nord

    In the world of modern republicans, where truth isn’t truth, and where alternative facts run rampant, reality isn’t important.  But for us old school republicans, reality, truth, and integrity still matter.  That makes you irrelevant to us.

    More hyperbole, or do you have some facts to back up your claim??  I’ll bet you don’t, and will make a feeble attempt to weasel out of proving it.

    Fact: Walker Lost !!!

  24. jjf

    Surely Kevin can find some stats to support his claim.  Per capita?  And when we count rural, we can count farm subsidies?

  25. Le Roi du Nord


    I know you will blame the MJS, but can you dispute the numbers from Marquette, where walker hadn’t had approval numbers >50% for years?   Pretty odd condition for the greatest governor ever, no?

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