Boots & Sabers

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2157, 09 Feb 17

Illegal Alien Felon Finally Deported After 9 Years


(CNN)Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos went to Mass and said a prayer before her immigration check-in Wednesday in Phoenix.

It was her eighth visit since she was arrested in 2008 for using a fake Social Security number. After each meeting, the married mother of two went back to her family.
This time was different. She was detained and within 24 hours she was deported to her native Mexico. She was turned over to Mexican authorities at a border crossing in Nogales, Arizona, according to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.
Her lawyers claim she is a victim of President Donald Trump’s tougher stance on illegal immigration.
“Ms. Garcia, who has a prior felony conviction in Arizona for criminal impersonation, was the subject of a court-issued removal order that became final in July 2013,” US Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement. “(Her) immigration case underwent review at multiple levels of the immigration court system, including the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the judges held she did not have a legal basis to remain in the US.”
CNN is trying to portray this story as a bad thing and playing up the sympathy, but isn’t this exactly the kind of illegal alien that even Democrats said they wanted deported? You know… a felon?  The only thing outrageous about this story is that it took almost 9 years to get it done.

2157, 09 February 2017

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    What Obama really wanted for 8 years. Illegal immigrant criminals roaming our country.

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