Boots & Sabers

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2111, 30 Mar 16

Marquette Poll Shows Movement in Right Direction

The right direction on all fronts, as far as I’m concerned.

Forty percent of likely GOP primary voters said they backed Cruz, while 30 percent favored Donald Trump and 21 percent supported John Kasich. Trump led the previous poll at 30 percent, while March Rubio, who has since dropped out of the race, was at 20 percent and 19 percent backed Cruz.
On the Dem side, Sanders was backed by 49 percent of likely primary voters, while 45 percent supported Clinton. Last month, it was 44-43 Sanders, who has gradually gained in the poll since trailing by a dozen points in September.
The survey came out of the field Monday, just as the flurry of presidential visits kicked up in Wisconsin and one day before Gov. Scott Walker endorsed Cruz.
In the state Supreme Court race, 41 percent of likely voters supported Bradley, while 36 percent supported Kloppenburg. Last month it was 37-36 for Bradley.
And in the Senate contest, 47 percent of registered voters backed Feingold, while 42 percent supported Johnson. In last month’s survey of registered voters, Feingold led 49-37.

2111, 30 March 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    All good news. Feingold’s chances decrease substantially if Trump does not get nomination.

    If I was Feingold, I’d put all my money into Trump campaign.

  2. old baldy


    Did you miss RoJo’s announcement that he would “Stump with Trump” ? I’d say you have it backwards. His only chance is if Trump wins.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Stumping with Trump is a sure loser scenario.

    Yes, I’m not afraid to dump on Johnson over that.

    He should be denouncing Trump if he has any conservative principles left.

  4. Mark Maley

    I don’t see a single state Obama won coming into play with Cruz as the nominee

    So it’s another 330 electoral vote loss for the GOP
    With Cruz

    The only thing that might be avoided is a loss of the Senate ( probably) and the House ( possible ) if you nominate the guy 74 % of the women in America Won’t vote for

    So it’s just figuring out how bad you want to lose , not a path to winning

    RoJo is going down no matter who the Democrats runs / and I think the GOP knows that

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    …says the liberal Trump supporter, who is really voting for Bernie

  6. Mark Maley


  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    I stand corrected.

    ….says the Trump supporter for the Republican nomination, voting for Hillary.

    Sorry about that.

    Thought you would vote for the Democrat that is at least honest about who he is.

  8. Mark Maley


    I long ago weened myself of the idea that politicians were spectacular human beings .

    I’m voting for the one who will beat Trump or Cruz , name one, two or three Supreme Court Justices I would like and keep the religious right out of women’s body parts . It would also be good to have someone in office who doesn’t praise Putin for his “leadership

    I would sleep comfortably with Hillary at the wheel and world leaders would also . But what do they know ?

    Her math adds up, Bernie ‘s doesn’t .

    She’s no Mother Theresa but as it turns out ,Mother Theresa was a fraud . Yet soon Catholics will pray to her as a saint.

    So, I’m not looking for a saint .Im just looking for the person who can beat anyone you would support

  9. Kevin Scheunemann

    Mark ,

    My standards are a little higher. I’ll take anyone except Hillary, unless it is Trump….then Hillary actually looks like the sane choice.

    Democracy is dead if these 2 yahoos are the best this country can come up with.

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