Boots & Sabers

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1116, 20 Feb 16

Nashville Library Insists on Equal Access

Can we accept now that the Black Lives Matter movement is simply the latest racist hate group to rise?

Nashville Public Library officials have told Nashville’s chapter of Black Lives Matter that meetings that welcome only people of color can’t take place inside the city’s libraries.

That decision has outraged members of Black Lives Matter, who say the library canceled all future meetings the group had organized for later this month.

But library officials say they’re simply enforcing a library policy that says all meetings at their facilities must be open to the general public and news media.

“The library didn’t cancel anyone’s meeting,” said library spokeswoman Emily Waltenbaugh, referring to a Black Lives Matter meeting  for Saturday morning that the organization has now rescheduled for a church instead.

“We’re a library,” she said. “We’re taxpayer funded. We have to be open to anyone anytime.”


“Due to white supremacy in our local government, this week’s BLM General Body Meeting location has changed,” a notice posted Friday on the Nashville chapter of Black Lives Matter’s Facebook page reads. The notice says the group’s meetings are “open to black and non-black people of color only.”


1116, 20 February 2016

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    “open to black and non-black people of color only”

    White is not a color? Are we “non-people”?

    Didn’t MLK denouce judging on skin color?

    Just more hateful liberal groups in action.

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