Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0952, 20 Feb 16

Kerry Lectures

Sadly, our nation’s Secretary of State’s words carry very little force anymore.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed concern over the detentions of Uganda’s main opposition candidate Kizza Besigye and harassment of opposition party members in a call to President Yoweri Museveni on Friday, the State Department said.

Kerry also called on Museveni to rein in the security forces and to lift a block on social media and mobile money sites, the State Department said.


0952, 20 February 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Does Kerry use the screen name “Old Baldy”?

    (I couldn’t resist.)

  2. old baldy


    At least Kerry and I both served in the military, in VN, and Kerry is a decorated hero. And you?

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    That’s wonderful, but his military service does not negate the problem of how dumb he looks on world stage when he speaks.

    USA used to be looked at as a country to shut down evil, socialism, and/or totalitarianism in favor of human freedom…now the world doesn’t believe it anymore, and laughs at us when we mae=ke any pronouncement to do something for freedom, thanks to Kerry, and Obama.

  4. old baldy


    “USA used to be looked at as a country to shut down evil, socialism, and/or totalitarianism in favor of human freedom…”.. You may want to tell that to the good folks in Cambodia, Viet Nam, Chile and most central American countries.

    And I guess you would know all about sounding dumb on a public stage. And when and what branch did you serve in?

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