Boots & Sabers

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1050, 09 Dec 15

Useful Idiots Promote Faculty Agenda at Universities

Good observations.

So what looks from the outside like a student protest movement looks on the inside like an administrative coup by a small faction of the faculty, using naive and ill-informed students as their shock troops. No wonder marginal faculty members are climbing on the bandwagon and signing up to muscle out reporters and guide the young protesters. They hope to ride this to higher-paid, more secure, more powerful positions.


1050, 09 December 2015


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    These liberal professors should be sued for fraud, given the awful education some of these clueless, liberal students get.

    Neil Cavuto had one of these raging socialist protest students on and she was calling for higher taxes for the rich to fund her higher education. They went through the numbers and even at 100% taxation, it would only fund a fraction of her agenda, never mind the jobs and economic destruction 100% taxation would mean.

    She kept insisting more taxes on “rich” would pay for it, despite the simple math.

    It was painful to watch such an ill informed, alleged college student, but very interesting nonetheless to see just how much fraud in liberal academia exists.

  2. John Foust

    Kevin, why don’t you think people are responsible for their own thoughts?

    So Neil found someone who didn’t know what they were talking about. Big deal. Doesn’t surprise me a bit. You want to blame the teacher instead of the individual?

    If some kid tried to sue a teacher for not teaching them, you’d ridicule the kid for not applying themselves.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    Touché. I would be open to pathetic universities being sued for it…like UWM .

  4. old baldy


    UW-M is pathetic? By you all knowing standards? Where is your degree from?

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    Graduation rate is only 25-40%, depending on year.

    It is full of MPS social promotion graduates, some that can’t even read. However, they get an A+ for liberal activism that perpetuates the same government run, failing educational system.

    First hand experience. Went UWWC , finished finace degree at UWM. Ran conservative newspaper. Socialist admin and faculty was more concerned prosecuting and punishing our newspaper speech when I was in charge than improving their graduation rate.

    It’s a farce of an education establishment with no regard for actual education of the students and their constitutional rights. Students have to be motivated to grab their education there. Only about 2% of those students, were like me, and did that.

    In other words it’s your typical, backwards, thug, socialist nation, like Zimbabwe, or Venzuela in microcosm example. Wasting a lot of public resources for nothing.

  6. old baldy


    So I guess all the PhD’s in Water Sciences are pathetic as well?

    But since you have a degree from UWM, I’ll have to agree they provide you a pathetic education. But as they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

  7. Kevin Scheunemann

    If they train that the MMSD water quality/poop dumping standards are as clean as the standards communities upstream are held to….yes, pathetic.

  8. old baldy


    PhDs from UWM are way to smart and employable to become walker appointees at DNR.

    You still haven’t provided a single shred of evidence regarding your complaint with DNR. As Village Pres you have access to all that material. Yet you won’t even look at it and supply material for your own defense. Sounds like you really painted yourself into a corner.

  9. Kevin Scheunemann


    Will not address the duel poop dumping standards MMSD has?

    Didn’t think you would.

    As long as you are unwilling to say DNR mandates in waste water permit is “optional”, I don’t need to prove anything to your absurd position.

    The public knows the DNR is pure, overt force destroying the poor when it comes to regulation.

  10. old baldy


    No double standard at all. MMSD has a WPDS permit for a discharge to L. Michigan. That permit includes qualitative and quantitative standards. If they fail to meet those permit conditions they get a call from DNR. Your community has a WPDES permit to discharge to a different location. Discharge permits standards are based on the receiving water flow and ability to assimilate the pollutants in the discharge. Smaller receiving water equals tighter standards. No double standards at all.

    What is apparent is that since you are too lazy or unable to read the conditions in your WPDES permit you will continue to blame someone else for your failure. Is there a “Book of Excuses” in your true version of the bible?

    Your last sentence, while making little sense, is still a blatant lie.

  11. Kevin Scheunemann


    What you neglect to mention is: The standard could be as much as 10 times more stringent (translation: expensive) for a local municipality like ours. While MMSD gets a very lax standard for the same item because the liberals in milwaukee got Lake Michigan to be declared an “estuary”. In layman’s terms, liberals got Lake Michigan to be declared a garbage dump, by comparison, for MMSD!

    You neglect to share that little tidbit with the audience!

    So Kewaskum, and all ther surrounding communities, have to clean the water to impossible standards and even more stricter, more expensive standards, so the efflunet can flow down the river to the garbage dump that is Lake Michigan, thanks to MMSD.

    I’ll debate you anytime, anywhere on this!

  12. old baldy


    “Discharge permits standards are based on the receiving water flow and ability to assimilate the pollutants in the discharge’. What part of that didn’t you understand?

    “because the liberals in milwaukee got Lake Michigan to be declared an “estuary” . That’s a lie.

    “clean the water to impossible standards”. That’s a lie.

    “thanks to MMSD”. That’s a lie.

    How about my deer stand tomorrow at 630 AM? Bring cash.

  13. Kevin Scheunemann

    Baldy said,

    “Discharge permits standards are based on the receiving water flow and ability to assimilate the pollutants in the discharge”.

    That is pleasant bureaucrat speak that MMSD get to pollute a whole lot more than others…and MMSD can’t even meet the dumbed down standard!

    Maybe these articles will remind you:

    So what is happening: is we are perfectly cleaning the water in the burbs to crazy expensive standards, so that clean water can go flow dowm the Milwaukee river into the “estuary” which MMSD dirties right up with its lax standards!

    All I want to see is DNR to stop ratcheting the standards! Going from .1 on phosphorus to .01 or tighter is ridiculous! Does the MMSD standard get ratcheted that tight?…No!

    …but keep speaking the bureaucrat speak, I find it a fascinating departure from reality.

  14. old baldy


    “That is pleasant bureaucrat speak that MMSD get to pollute a whole lot more than others…and MMSD can’t even meet the dumbed down standard!”

    Another lie.

    “with its lax standards”. Another lie.

    What is your P limit? Do you even know what it means? Hint:If you say yes than all the rest of your arguments go away as you must have read the permits.

    Why don’t you settle this once and for all by providing all the information that will prove you are correct? If you are right, prove it rather than continue to make fool of yourself by sticking your head in the sand?

  15. Kevin Scheunemann


    So are you denying MMSD has much more lenient discharge standards than the burbs?

    Prove it.

  16. old baldy


    MMSD has different permit limits based on a number of factors used to calculate the discharge limits. Folks with science and engineering degrees do the calculation. Your paid consultant had significant input. So yes, I will deny your allegation. See below.

    “Discharge permits standards are based on the receiving water flow and ability to assimilate the pollutants in the discharge”.

    Why don’t you settle this once and for all by providing all the information that will prove you are correct? As village president you have easy access to information that will prove your point. If you are right, prove it rather than continue to make fool of yourself by sticking your head in the sand?

  17. Seeker

    It’s a shame that B&S comments have turned into nothing more than a pissing match between Kevin and this Old Baldy troll.

    Sucks to see your site turn into crap, Owen. You’ve even let Foust back, and I thought he was banned years ago.

    Off to better sites, I guess. Your loss.

  18. old baldy


    Troll, schmoll. What makes me a troll? Disagreeing with kevin? Are you a troll as well ?

    If Owen wants me off, I’ll leave, but them someone must pick up the banner of calling out kevin when he makes such outrageous claims. Or are you OK with all that nonsense?

  19. Kevin Scheunemann


    Why don’t you prove your statement is true by displaying the MMSD’s discharge permit?

    You show me that one, I’ll show you Kewaskum’s and we can compare the pollution levels allowed.

    I’m fine with my position, you are the one that has to prove the position that DNR mandates in discharge permit are “optional”.

    That is what this debate all boils down to.

  20. old baldy


    I don’t have access to either one. You do have yours, so it is pretty simple to prove your point.

    However, what don’t you understand about “Discharge permits standards are based on the receiving water flow and ability to assimilate the pollutants in the discharge” ?

    So if you are fine with being dead wrong about how a significant portion of your community operates, maybe you are doing your constituents a grave dis-service. You up for election in the spring of ’17?

  21. Kevin Scheunemann


    When you prove to me DNR permitting mandates are “optional”, that is the only scenario where your paperwork chase makes any sense to me in time investment.

    Otherwise, save your wild goose chase for someone else. I got real issues to chase, and it includes constantly exposing unfunded state mandates, especially those under Doyle.

  22. old baldy


    You are beyond redemption in this world or whatever one you foresee in your long-range future.

    And you know very well that I can’t prove to you that anything in a WPDES permit is optional”, because they aren’t. The permit contains permit conditions and discharge limits, nothing is optional, nor are they “mandates”. They are the things you have to comply with to obtain the permit (hint: Look up the definition of permit).

    So continue to joust at imaginary windmills, and leave the real world to those curious enough to see it.

  23. Seeker

    Ban these two. Please.

  24. old baldy


    I’ll quietly depart if you feel that is necessary to maintain your peace of mind. But no one should ever make mention about suppression of free speech hereabouts in the future. Or is your free speech different than mine? Or kevins?

  25. Kevin Scheunemann


    Glad you admit DNR discharge permit requirements are “not optional.”

    However, I’m fascinated that you indicate the requirements in the DNR discharge permit are “not mandates”….you will have to explain that one. It’s like saying you don’t release CO2 when you exhale.

    If you have a requirement to get to a certain level of phosphorus, by DNR making standard 10 times stricter than before, which is still insignificant to waterway, but costly to municipality to achieve….that is not a “mandate” hurting the poor?

  26. old baldy


    I have explained the differences many times, you just want to twist things up with your own bias. So as a final suggestion, buy a dictionary. I realize they are big books with lots of words, some you have never seen before. But trust me, it will do you a world of good. Than go to the enabling WI statute for the WPDES permit and look at the definitions section (Hint: it is contained in the permit you refuse to read). That will give you the definitions of the words that are still puzzling to you, like permit, limit. conditions, etc. That should take care of you inability to grasp the words new to you. At least it has for every other permitted community in the state.

    Without you providing the specifics germane to Kewaskum I can’t respond to your last statement other than to say the last phrase is still a lie.

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