Boots & Sabers

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2203, 16 Jan 15

Obama Threatens Veto of Iran Sanctions

He’s managing to tick off everyone in Congress.

President Obama says he will veto proposed bipartisan legislation to impose new sanctions onIran so long as diplomatic negotiations over a nuclear deal remain underway.


Republicans and Democrats in Congress are pushing for another immediate round of sanctions on the Iranian economy, a move lead by some high-profile White House allies.

At a Senate Democratic retreat Thursday in Baltimore, Md., Obama reportedly clashed with Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey who is leading the charge on new Iran sanctions, even as talks are ongoing.

While the gathering was closed to reporters, Menendez was said to have taken “personal offense” to Obama’s suggestion that the legislation was politically-motivated, sources told the New York Times.

The thing is… if I had any faith in President Obama’s foreign policy prowess, I would agree with him. If talks on an agreement with Iran that would seriously dissuade them from developing nuclear weapons were actually progressing, I would support him vetoing Congress’ passage of sanctions. Unfortunately, after six years of failed foreign policy – including the absolute fiasco John Kerry foisted on the French today – I don’t believe our president has any capacity to negotiate an enforceable deal with Iran.


2203, 16 January 2015


  1. steveegg

    Point of order – it’s (almost) as if Obama wants the Mad Mullahs running Iran to…

    A) Remain in power
    B) Get nuclear weapons
    C) Use said nuclear weapons against their common enemies (hopefully on a day when Obama is on a remote golf course well upwind of DC).

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Obama does have a long history of sympathizing with evil.

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