Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0748, 02 Oct 14

Parents Keeps Kids Out of School in Ebola Scare


Parents rushed to get their children from school Wednesday after learning that five students may have had contact with the Ebola patient in a Dallas hospital, as Gov. Rick Perry and other leaders reassured the public that there is no cause for alarm.

The patient, identified by The Associated Press as Thomas Eric Duncan of Liberia, arrived in the U.S. on Sept. 20 to visit family. Dallas County Health and Human Services Director Zachary Thompson said county officials suspect that 12 to 18 people may have had contact with Duncan.

“Right now, the base number is 18 people, and that could increase,” he said. Thompson said more details are expected by Thursday afternoon. The number includes five students at four schools, Dallas school district Superintendent Mike Miles said.

I don’t think so. Given how much we are learning already about how the system failed, I can completely see keeping my kids out of school until we know who might have been exposed and if they were infected.


0748, 02 October 2014


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