Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1131, 02 Oct 14

“Emanate strength and warmth.”

That’s just priceless.

Burke is not without vulnerabilities. She can still come off uneasy on the stump or overly rehearsed in her remarks. When we sat down to talk, a handwritten note on the table reminded her to “Emanate strength and warmth.”

In light of the recent news of her campaign’s rampant plagiarism, this gave me a chuckle too.

She told me that she vets most of her campaign’s emails and compiled her own research on meaty policy issues, until the campaign hired a research director. Even so, a few weeks after we met, it came to light that sections of her jobs plan were cribbed from those of previous Democratic gubernatorial candidates. An outside consultant, who’d worked on the campaigns of the other candidates, was fired as a result.


1131, 02 October 2014

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I don’t know about the strength part, but that “warmth” part may emanating from the substantive dung heap of her policy positions…just watch out for the “moist” part.

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