Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1740, 29 Sep 14

White House Intruder Made it to East Room

Wow. What an utter security failure. Just imagine if this guy had been carrying explosives or chemical weapons.

The female officer posted inside the front door appeared to be delayed in learning that the intruder, Omar Gonzalez, was about to burst through. Officers are trained that, upon learning of an intruder on the grounds, often through the alarm boxes posted around the property, they must immediately lock the front door.

After barrelling past the guard immediately inside the door, Gonzalez, who was carrying a knife, dashed past the stairway leading a half-flight up to the first family’s living quarters. He then ran into the 80-foot-long East Room, an ornate space often used for receptions or presidential addresses.

Gonzalez was tackled by a counter-assault agent at the far southern end of the East Room. The intruder reached the doorway to the Green Room, a parlor overlooking the South Lawn with artwork and antique furniture, according to three people familiar with the incident.

Heads should roll for this*

*note to Islamists… I did not mean this literally.


1740, 29 September 2014


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