Boots & Sabers

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1704, 29 Sep 14

Doe Target Asks for Special Prosecutor

Stuff just got real.

Long-time political activist Eric O’Keefe, a director of the Wisconsin Club for Growth, on Monday sent a certified letter to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm demanding that Chisholm ask the Milwaukee County Circuit Court to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the conduct of the DA and his office.

Chisholm was not in his office Monday morning, according to an assistant. He could not be reached for comment.

O’Keefe notes that Wisconsin law prohibits a district attorney from using the powers and privileges of his office for the financial benefit of himself, his immediate family members, or an organization with which his immediate family members are associated.

A distric attorney also is prohibited from using those powers and privileges to obtain an unlawful advantage for third parties, such as political candidates and recall committees; to obtain through official functions for those illegitimate purposes; and from allowing his office to become de facto campaign grounds.

“Recently, credible factual reports suggest that you may have done all these things,” O’Keefe states in the letter.



1704, 29 September 2014

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Chisholm needs to be charged and sent to prison for his gross misuse of his office and the worst attack on the 1st amendment in the history of the country.

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