Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2001, 22 Nov 16

UK To Capture and Store Citizens’ Internet History

Sounds like something North Korea or Iran would do.

Internet providers will soon be required to record which services their customers’ devices connect to – including websites and messaging apps.

The Home Office says it will help combat terrorism, but critics have described it as a “snoopers’ charter”.

Critics of the law have said hackers could get access to the records.

“It only takes one bad actor to go in there and get the entire database,” said James Blessing, chairman of the Internet Service Providers’ Association (Ispa), which represents BT, Sky, Virgin Media, TalkTalk and others.

“You can try every conceivable thing in the entire world to [protect it] but somebody will still outsmart you.

“Mistakes will happen. It’s a question of when. Hopefully it’s in tens or maybe a hundred years. But it might be next week.”
The Investigatory Powers Bill was approved by the House of Lords on 19 November and is due to become law before the end of 2016.


2001, 22 November 2016


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