Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1638, 07 Apr 24

Biden to Extend Illegal Taxpayer Bailout of Deadbeats

So glad he’s coming to Wisconsin to bribe UW students with the prospect of free college at taxpayers’ expense. You will notice the lack of involvement by Congress.

President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the framework for a new major student loan forgiveness plan on Monday during a trip to Wisconsin, sources familiar with the White House’s plans confirm to ABC News.


Biden is scheduled to travel on Monday to Madison, home to a major university and in a crucial battleground state.

Sources told ABC News that unlike the sweeping student loan forgiveness plan that was struck down by the Supreme Court last year, this new one will require borrowers to fall into specific categories to get relief, such as possible financial hardship or holding debt that because of interest is now bigger than the amount originally borrowed.


That distinction — a more targeted approach to debt cancellation — is part of what makes the White House confident in their legal footing this time should a new proposal be challenged as well, sources said.


1638, 07 April 2024


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