Boots & Sabers

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2117, 19 Mar 24

SCOTUS Allows Texas to Arrest Illegal Aliens


A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed Texas to begin enforcing a law that gives police broad powers to arrest migrants suspected of crossing the border illegally while a legal battle over the measure plays out.


The conservative majority’s order rejects an emergency application from the Biden administration, which says the law is a clear violation of federal authority that would cause chaos in immigration law.


Texas Gov Greg Abbott praised the order — and the law — which allows any police officer in Texas to arrest migrants for illegal entry and authorizes judges to order them to leave the U.S.

The high court didn’t address whether the law is constitutional. The measure now goes back to an appellate court and could eventually return to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, it wasn’t clear how soon Texas might begin arresting migrants under the law.


It was also unclear where any migrants ordered to leave might go. The law calls for them to be sent to ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border, even if they are not Mexican citizens.


But Mexico’s government said Tuesday it would not “under any circumstances” accept the return of any migrants to its territory from the state of Texas. Mexico is not required to accept deportations of anyone except Mexican citizens.

I suggest that Mexico make some effort to prevent non-Mexicans from crossing their country to jump our border.


2117, 19 March 2024


  1. dad29

    Not so fast, Gringo.

    The 5th Circuit shut down Texas–again.

    And Mexico told Texas to put it where the sun never shines.

    So the Texas Highway Patrol will be busy stopping trucks coming from Mexico–ALL of them–for “inspections.’

  2. Tuerqas

    >So the Texas Highway Patrol will be busy stopping trucks coming from Mexico–ALL of them–for “inspections.’

    Hmmm, that might upset poor little Mexico if all of their legal shipments have to wait a day or 5 on their side of the border for full inspections of every truck…

  3. dad29


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