Boots & Sabers

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0803, 31 Jan 24

Madison DEI Alum Accused of Plagiarism

Academia is riddled with lazy, mediocre, cheaters.

It’s not just Claudine Gay. Harvard University’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, appears to have plagiarized extensively in her academic work, lifting large portions of text without quotation marks and even taking credit for a study done by another scholar—her own husband—according to a complaint filed with the university on Monday and a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

The complaint makes 40 allegations of plagiarism that span the entirety of Charleston’s thin publication record. In her 2009 dissertation, submitted to the University of Michigan, Charleston quotes or paraphrases nearly a dozen scholars without proper attribution, the complaint alleges. And in her sole peer-reviewed journal article—coauthored with her husband, LaVar Charleston, in 2014—the couple recycle much of a 2012 study published by LaVar Charleston, the deputy vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, framing the old material as new research.


Through that sleight of hand, Sherri Ann Charleston effectively took credit for her husband’s work. The 2014 paper, which was also coauthored with Jerlando Jackson, now the dean of Michigan State University’s College of Education, and appeared in the Journal of Negro Education, has the same methods, findings, and description of survey subjects as the 2012 study, which involved interviews with black computer science students and was first published by the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.


0803, 31 January 2024


  1. dad29

    And as we now know, this Intellectual Giant’s husband allowed her to copy/paste HIS work, too.

    He remains, polluting UW-Madison to the tune of $300+K/year, complicit in fraud.

    Such Smart People!! Such Betters!!

  2. Tuerqas

    ‘Intellectual’ elitists abound in the liberal world of Academia, politics and impassioned liberal voters.
    Funny how…
    the intellectual liberal base claims academia status, but needs high emotion drama to come out and vote.

    the academic intelligentsia seems to be the mentally laziest profession. In a world where plagiarism was once one of the worst crimes of the profession, it is now commonplace and accepted by the profession.

    the academic world continually congratulates itself on how much worse education gets every year all while whining like the children they teach over their entitlement status being occasionally rocked. Thank GOD we have Tony Evers to rock them back to sleep for a while here in WI.

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