Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1939, 04 Dec 23

Politicians Won’t Write Blank Check to Israel

Awesome. Now do Ukraine.

Lawmakers warned President Joe Biden’s national security team that planned U.S. aid to Israel must be met with assurances of concrete steps from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government.


“The truth is that if asking nicely worked, we wouldn’t be in the position we are today,” Sanders said in a floor speech. It was time for the United States to use its “substantial leverage” with its ally, the Vermont senator said.

“And we all know what that leverage is,” he said, adding, “the blank-check approach must end.”


1939, 04 December 2023


  1. Mar

    Hmm, Owen in bed with Bernie Sanders.
    Didn’t see that coming.

  2. Merlin

    Dollar diplomacy has never been a blank check. Never. It always comes with strings because its very purpose is to exert foreign influence. The term itself began with Taft, but its practical application has been around forever. You can call it “foreign aid” if it make you feel better, but the purpose is the same. And, yes, it is a massively, disgustingly corrupt enterprise that often fails. Your tax dollars at work.

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