Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0626, 24 May 23

Climate Fascists Are Frustrated With Opposition

Ha. So climate fascists continue to turn the screw of oppression to bend the masses to their wills and they get frustrated when people say mean things on Twitter. Bullies.

Policies aimed at curbing the deadly effects of climate change are accelerating, prompting a rise in what experts identify as organised resistance by opponents of climate reform.


Michael Mann, a prominent climate scientist at the University of Pennsylvania and a regular target for abuse by deniers of climate change, said he believed the rise in misinformation was “organised and orchestrated” by opponents of climate reforms.


0626, 24 May 2023


  1. Jason

    Hillary probably thinks it’s another Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

    I’m quite sure our history is replete with examples of settled science and scientific consensus that has been 100 percent wrong. Flat Earth, Solar System orbits, any number of Germ Theories, the Earth is Contracting, and on and on.

    The science is not settled on if mankind is a leading or even a tiny influence on our climate changes. But don’t let anyone catch you saying that… You’ll find out who the real bullies are and that they are organized and coordinated.

  2. MjM

    Well, this is pure gold right here….

    Michael Mann, a prominent climate scientist at the University of Pennsylvania and a regular target for abuse by deniers of climate change, said he believed the rise in misinformation was “organised and orchestrated” by opponents of climate reforms.

    BWA HA HA ! ! The King of Misinfo! First Climate Clown of the Tree Ring Circus!

    Scientists suffering insults and mass-spam are abandoning Twitter for alternative social networks

    Awwwwww. Po’ widdle sci-tists.

    Robert Rohde, a physicist and lead scientist… He found climate scientists’ tweets were losing impact. The average number of likes they received was down 38 percent and average retweets fell 40 percent. …… Andrew Dessler, professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M University, said he was moving most of his climate communication to Substack, a newsletter platform. “Climate communications on Twitter are less useful (now) given that I can see that my tweets are getting less engagement,” he said.

    Wonder why that would be? Mebbe cuz 99% of the stuff put out by yoos Climate Frauds is…. fraud… and more and more folks are realizing it.

    Glaciologist Ruth Mottram had more than 10,000 followers on Twitter but left in February ….. On Mastodon, “I haven’t had any abuse at all or even people questioning climate change.

    Alternate quote: “MY HIVE! I FOUND MY SAFE PLACE!”

  3. dad29

    Last weekend, the Moron Captain of Channel 58 read the latest DOOM DOOM DOOM notification. Seems that New York City is sinking due to the weight of the buildings on the land. It’s sinking at a rate of 1 millimeter/decade.

    At the same time, DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM!!! the Atlantic Ocean is rising!!!! He didn’t mention that the rate of rise is around 1 inch/century.

    Regardless, if NYC were to sink into the ocean………hmmmm. I’m still trying to find the bad news here.

  4. Jason

    I’d like to invest in some heavy buildings in California… Or anywhere on the West Coast really.

  5. Merlin

    Pfft. Back in the early 70s the climate zealots had their hair on fire claiming that by 2000 Arctic spreading was going to engulf Canada and the upper US in 30′ of ice and snow. Major cities as far south as Chicago were going to have to be domed to survive. It was all backed by unquestionable science even then, doncha know. Fifty years later they’re still full of shit.

  6. Tuerqas

    At least in the 70s they sort of had history on their side. Based on historical cycles, we are due for another glaciation period somewhere in the next 1200 years or so. With any luck human warming may delay it or ameliorate it when it comes.

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