Boots & Sabers

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1336, 25 Mar 23

Russia to Use Belarus for Launching Nukes

This is kind of a big deal.

Russia will station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, President Vladimir Putin has said.

President Putin said the move would not violate nuclear non-proliferation agreements and compared it to the US stationing its weapons in Europe, according to Russian state media.

Moscow would not be transferring control of its arms to Minsk, he added.


1336, 25 March 2023


  1. Merlin

    As diplomatic posturing goes it adds some excitement, but from a tactical perspective these are intended to be seen as bargaining chips. What’s infinitely more worrisome are the perpetually roving undersea nuke capabilities. Unknown payloads of short flight duration from unknown launch points being delivered to unknown targets.

    These weapons need not immolate targets to be effective. An air burst EMP at altitude will have the targeted people living like the most devout Amish in under sixty seconds. They’ll get to live the mid-1800s all over again. It’s the sub-launched nukes that negate any first strike advantages, not the land based capabilities.

    If you believe the US population is protected from such a scenario you are quite mistaken.

  2. Mar

    “An air burst EMP at altitude will have the targeted people living like the most devout Amish in under sixty seconds.”
    You’re right, if there is an EMP launched, the Amish will survive better than anyone. The Huetterites might be next best to survive
    Anybody under 30 will perish.

  3. dad29

    An air burst EMP at altitude will have the targeted people living like the most devout Amish in under sixty seconds. They’ll get to live the mid-1800s all over again.

    Yah, but the windmills-and-suncatchers regime of Biden will have the same effect. It’ll take a bit longer.

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