Boots & Sabers

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0759, 02 Mar 23

Biden Mocks Dead Sons

Biden sure gets bent out of shape if anyone says anything even slightly critical of his dead son, but has no problem mocking the deaths of these boys because it happened on someone else’s watch. He really is just a terrible human being.

Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling’s story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference:  ‘The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.’


Kiessling, in a video posted online on Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.


‘This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke? You mock the loss of my sons?’ she said.


0759, 02 March 2023


  1. jonnyv

    That is the smell of desperation. Biden did NOT mock the dead sons or mother if you watch the clip. He was in a room and they were laughing at the loon Marjorie Taylor Green for the dumb thing she says. Biden then brings up the story about her accusing him of the fentanyl story. His EXACT phrasing: “She was very specific recently saying that a mom, a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that I killed her sons.” Even when talking about the story he STILL showed sympathy for the mother. He then chuckled at the end, most likely in response to the entire situation with MTG.

    And since WHEN does this site care about empathy? I don’t recall any think pieces about when Trump mocked and laughed at a handicap reporter here? Or when he mocked a POW calling him a loser. Owen, would you like to go on record and say how Trump is a terrible human being?

    There are plenty of political reasons you can disagree with Biden. But trying to spin this, like THAT? Anyone who watches the video can see that clear as day. Even the New York Post headline is: “Biden laughs at Marjorie Taylor Greene pinning 2020 fentanyl deaths of two brothers on him”. Go ahead and write pages on how it probably wasn’t the best example to bring up in that moment when they were all laughing at MTG. But to try and spin this like he was laughing AT the mom or kids? Trash.

    I used to think, “Owen, you are better than this.” But the past year or so has not proven that to be the case. I have been here long enough to remember when this site was a bit more level headed and focused on actual policy. But this site is no better than… The Daily Mail or Brietbart at this point.

  2. Tuerqas

    >And since WHEN does this site care about empathy?

    No empathy here? STFU!
    You think because liberals cry about inequalities and bleeding heart causes that you are so morally superior, yet it is almost always conservatives that spend their money helping others. Crying about things like BLM and blaming conservatives for the problem when blacks commit over 88% of all the murders with black victims every year is just revolting to anyone who thinks.
    Wanna blame it on the nasty circumstances that CAUSE all that crime and murder among people of color? Look at the politicians in the cities where almost all of it occurs and you are looking at Dems again, lamenting the poor black people’s fates while doing nothing but actively trying to perpetuate it for decades. And all while blaming Republicans for the white privilege discrimination that Dems constantly preach against, but consistently practice in their cities.

    I agree with your analysis of the specific Biden words being talked about here, but the sweeping generalizations you often add to your commentary shows mind-blowingly bad judgement, serious antagonism, lack of empathy and the brain-washed official Dem programming concerning all the unbelievers batched in as non-liberal. Wanna read some criticisms of Trump here, just look back 5-7 years on this blog. Unlike the blind worship shown by most liberals towards their Dem leaders, there were a lot of conservative people on this blog and elsewhere that had many problems with Trump’s time in office. I certainly do not want to see it again.

  3. Jason

    I wonder how many might be alive today if Trump had been able to improve the border potections and improve the wall. What party mocked him, fought him, sued him every step of the way for 4 years? I can’t remember, jv surely does.

  4. jonnyv

    Jason, that super secure wall that people were able to just climb over after about 20 minutes of effort with a homemade ladder. THAT one? The useless wall that cost 12M a mile? And did you know that an estimated 90% of the fentanyl that comes into the country does so at legal border crossings by US citizens? So, anyone that seriously thinks a wall is going to stop the drug influx is dense.

    T. There are plenty of people on this site that have criticized Trump’s insane antics. Just usually not Owen. The commenters are not “the site”. Trump was insulting and demeaning… and Owen was quiet about it. Yet he takes almost every chance he gets to link to made up crap about Biden. Seriously… the Daily Mail? Occasionally Owen chimed in on a policy or two, but almost NEVER about the erratic and insulting comments he made.

    And you are right that there is a great discussion to be had about the cause of black-on-black crime. And while Democrats are in control of most major metropolitan areas, it isn’t like the ones that Republicans are in charge of are much better. How is Miami doing? Last I checked just as bad or worse than most democratic run large cities.

    And while I wasn’t on board with Biden initially, would rather have seen Sanders, I am actually pretty happy with what he has accomplished. Other than inflation & immigration, Biden has passed more significant legislature than I expected (and WAY more than Trump did). Unemployment is low, Wall Street is doing well, But even inflation doesn’t seem to be stopping people from leisure spending, so I don’t know what to say about that. Inflation is happening all over the world, so I don’t know what Biden can do any differently to stop that either. Balancing raising the interest rates with a recession is a tricky situation.

  5. Merlin

    Where is Owen’s post inaccurate?

    Mama Kiessling didn’t find any humor at all in Biden’s mocking-not-mocking of fentanyl deaths. That’s not open to spin. She was pissed.

    The statement, “He really is just a terrible human being.” is simply sound judgement. The Daily Mail link doesn’t invalidate the statement.

    Quibbling over just where Biden ranks on a shortlist of undesirables would be a futile attempt at polishing a turd. Just stop already.

  6. Randall Flagg

    I get the pushback over what Biden said,

    But what about what equal pushback on what MTG said?

    Kiessling’s sons died 7 months before Biden took office, so how could it be his fault? MTG should have blamed the Trump administration. I wonder why she chose not to?

  7. Randall Flagg

    ***Because a congresswoman misspoke? ***

    Did she? If so why didn’t she correct the tweet when given a chance?

    I doubt she misspoke. MTG knew exactly which administration was on watch, lied, and then doubled down when given a chance to come clean.

    Also, Kiessling is an anti-abortion advocate who has been active in the Republican Party. Maybe that influenced who she criticized (Biden) and who she didn’t (Trump, MTG)?

  8. dad29

    So, JonnyV, you like all that War-War of Biden?

    There’s a reason unemployment is low: excess deaths in the 30-50 y.o. cohort plus permanent disabilities in same due to Biden’s forced Vaxx regime.

    What could Biden do about inflation? Don’t make me laugh. Adding several bazillion in deficits certainly was a GREAT idea, wasn’t it? Your riposte that ‘other countries do it, too’ is a grade-school excuse; you ought to know better.

  9. Jason

    >The useless wall that cost 12M a mile?

    If we took the money that Biden has handed over to Ukraine in just over a year… we could build almost 4 of those walls across the entire border. So lets not talk about how much it cost, please, it makes you look completely idiotic.

    >Other than inflation & immigration, Biden has passed more significant legislature than I expected (and WAY more than Trump did)

    Now you look like an absolute idiot. You don’t even understand the role of Executive branch.

  10. Mark Hoefert

    While Owen did not rise to the level of “Never Trumper”, he endorsed Cruz in the primary.

    Both the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries are on the ballot in Wisconsin. I will be voting in the Republican primary and happily voting for Sen. Ted Cruz. The senator from Texas is undeniably one of the most intellectually brilliant candidates to ever appear on the ballot. He was the valedictorian of his high school, graduated cum laude from Princeton, magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, national debating champion, clerked for Chief Justice of the United States William Rehnquist (from Milwaukee) and had a distinguished legal career before winning a seat in the U.S. Senate in 2012 as an insurgent outsider.

    Cruz couples his towering intellect with a passionate conservatism that put him at odds with not only the Democrats in the Senate, but with his fellow Republicans whose ideology has slumped to the left. He is ardently anti-abortion, pro-Second Amendment, pro-civil rights, pro-fiscal sanity, pro-Constitution and pro-border security. He has a mastery of the important issues facing our country and a conservative plan to address each of them. Cruz would not only make a great Republican candidate, he would make a great president.

  11. jonnyv

    Jason, saying that one president mis-spent is equal to another not being able to do it is idiotic. I am not personally sold yet whether the money going to Ukraine is mis-spent or not. History will decide that. I don’t love that we are shoveling cash at them for a proxy war with Russia. But, I also don’t think I would like Russia to be able to walk thru Ukraine. When it comes to foreign affairs, I tend to usually side with the gov’t (regardless of political affiliation), assuming that they have intelligence they are not (or choose not to) share with us. But it is also our right to ask for that and get an explanation.

    And like it or not, legislation is lead by the party head. This is the president. And presidents are heavily judged in history by how much of their agenda they can get passed. Trump had just as much opportunity as Biden with control of congress and he didn’t get almost ANYTHING passed. Biden has gotten a lot done and pushed thru. All Trump got passed was a tax bill and then he lost control. Trump should have been able to push thru more of his agenda and either didn’t, or couldn’t. Trump did a few other smaller things, some I agree with and some I don’t. And of course he got the supreme court appts. But we were talking legislation.

    Mark, I do remember that Owen was a Cruz supporter. And he rolled over to Trump much like I rolled over to Biden from Sanders. No issue with that. My contention is that I didn’t see ANYTHING written about the garbage that Trump said when it came to Gold Star Families, POWs, & the handicap reporter. Yet he knowingly propagates made up BS about this incident with Biden. He can be a political hack in this way, but also has to know when someone will call him out on it. And he hasn’t commented, so I assume he knows and understands. It’s his blog, he can try and spin it whatever way he wants. That is his right. I think this blog and Owen are best when they are more policy & news driven and less spin doctor BS.

  12. Mar

    “And since WHEN does this site care about empathy?”
    Gee, JohnnyV, I remember you praising me about empathy towards the disabled.

  13. dad29

    Jason, that super secure wall that people were able to just climb over after about 20 minutes of effort with a homemade ladder. THAT one?

    The Wall was part of a multi-layered security system which included drones, BP agents, the wall, and other sensors. It’s surprising that you didn’t know that. No intelligent human, including Trump, expected The Wall to stop illegal immigration all by itself. Trump also instituted agreements with Mexico and Central American countries which created impediments to the traffic (and trafficking).

    Knowing that, Bai-Den has cancelled and/or reduced expenditures on all of the above except BP agents (that would be TOO obvious) and has created the largest annual inflow of illegals in US history, most of which are not “refugees” and a large percentage of which are suspiciously military-aged men who seem to have no families.

  14. dad29

    Trump had just as much opportunity as Biden with control of congress

    As usual, you and the facts are not in the same location. Trump was actively opposed by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, both for professional reasons–that is, Trump’s proposals would SOLVE problems. Problem-solving is not in the interest of professional politicians, because problems are GREAT for fund-raising and longevity in office.

  15. dad29

    Trump’s actions were also directly and willfully impeded by various actors in the military, State, Education, CDC, and other agencies. I realize that their resistance and flat-out disobedience is not the same as ‘legislative’ activity, but in fact, all of DC was opposed to everything Trump stood for–that is to say, the will of the people as expressed in the ’16 election.

  16. Jason

    You’re wasting your time Dad, jv is incapable of that level of critical thinking. He has proven it over and over. He still thinks the Executive Branch function is to pass laws.

  17. jonnyv

    Dad29, I don’t care if the entire world was against him. After he lost the majority in congress he didn’t get shit done. It is the same complaint I have said about Obama. One of their jobs is to coordinate their party and if they can’t, they need to “horse trade” with others to try and get things done. And Trump & Obama failed to do that. Both had incredible hurdles, but they were unable to accomplish more. The Presidents agenda drives the party.

    And I do agree with you that Congress has stopped solving large problems, both sides would rather use them to fund raise. Dems had YEARS to do something about abortion nationally, but would rather use it as a wedge issue… and look how that turned out for them. They are continueing to use it as a wedge issue in every race.

    Jason, just cause you keep saying things outloud doesn’t make them true. I am sorry that you have such a narrow view. Go and check out some audiobooks. Cause I think that a lot of your reading comprehension is impared.

  18. dad29

    After he lost the majority in congress he didn’t get shit done.

    What makes you think that “FEDERAL ACTION” is some sort of Golden Fleece Prize? That’s a sign of Totalitarian sympathies, pal, and that’s a serious problem.

    We have 50 States in which lots of “problems” should be resolved. In fact, if you look at the Constitution, you’ll find two pertinent Amendments in the Bill of Rights: #s 9 & 10. The Founders didn’t write those for penmanship practice; only since Lincoln (but accelerating through Wilson, FDR, and Obozo) have the FedGov’s tentacles wrapped themselves around the throats of citizens.

    You may not recall it, but I was very critical of Trump for having the same inclination that you do–and for spending that would make a FLEET of drunken sailors jealous.

    Get off the Totalitarian bandwagon before you or your children live to regret it muchly.

  19. Tuerqas

    >And you are right that there is a great discussion to be had about the cause of black-on-black crime. And while Democrats are in control of most major metropolitan areas, it isn’t like the ones that Republicans are in charge of are much better. How is Miami doing? Last I checked just as bad or worse than most democratic run large cities.

    When was the last time you checked, the last time Dems ran Florida? And what is working there? Among other things, local programs that actually work to resolve problems rather than blow them up. You know, like all the local Dem run city programs in name, except they are designed to work rather than incite. I have heard of legions of liberal community organizers and never any improvements from them.
    4 homicides in the first 2 months of 2023 for Miami? Should we compare that to Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee?

  20. dad29

    T, it occurs to me that JonnyV just makes stuff up and hopes that nobody knows how to use Duck-Duck Go

  21. Jason

    >It is the same complaint I have said about Obama. One of their jobs is to coordinate their party and if they can’t, they need to “horse trade” with others to try and get things done. And Trump & Obama failed to do that.

    Good to see that you agree with Owen and us, and a majority of Wisconsinites that Tony Evers is a complete failure then.

    Of course, we still disagree on what the President’s true role is in the government is supposed to be… And every time you reply to this thread you reaffirm your utter lack of comprehension of it. I don’t need to say anything, your words are all that’s needed for the clown show to continue.

  22. jonnyv

    Jason. Do I consider Evers a complete failure? No. Right now I consider the entire WI gov’t as inept. Neither side will bend at all to pass or accomplish anything. But, that is a microcosm of our national politics currently.

    But we don’t disagree on the president’s role in gov’t. But we clearly disagree with what his role is in politics. Which are 2 very different things. And if YOU can’t see that, you are turning a blind eye to reality. I am sure we all saw the same video of Crazy Kari Lake kissing the Trump portrait at CPAC. Are you F’in kidding me? The old adage used to be, “Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line.” But since Trump, that is clearly reversed… and almost cultish for some.

  23. Jason

    >Do I consider Evers a complete failure? No. Right now I consider the entire WI gov’t as inept.

    Hahahahaha. You are so biased, it’s bringing tears to our eyes. What a shitheel.

  24. jonnyv

    Jason, can you name ONE thing that the Rs in WI are willing to compromise on? ANYTHING? No? Because they don’t HAVE to. They control both houses and can just try and push and shove their way around. I would MUCH rather have each side control a chamber and let them work on it from that point. But that isn’t the life we live, largely because of shitty redistricting. So, while Evers and the Ds are unable to get anything passed. Evers has had the power to Veto, and used it.

    But if you want me to put it into smaller words you can understand. Evers Veto Republican Trash.

    At least at the federal level, a few things are getting done at the congressional level. They are no longer working on large legislation, and now you need to look for smaller bi-partisan things like the Ticketmaster hearings and FTX crap. And they are actually relatively civil when they know there isn’t public cameras pointed at them. No need to grandstand. If you want a really good podcast to listen to about the ACTUAL things that are happening, Congressional Dish.

  25. Jason

    Your words are empty and feeble as an old woman’s.

    >One of their jobs is to coordinate their party and if they can’t, they need to “horse trade” with others to try and get things done.

    And then followed up a day later with

    >So, while Evers and the Ds are unable to get anything passed. Evers has had the power to Veto, and used it.

    >But if you want me to put it into smaller words you can understand. Evers Veto Republican Trash.

    You’re still a biased shitheel.

  26. dad29

    IIRC, Wisconsin has a budget passed by the Leggies and signed by the Totes Inept Governor.

    Maybe that doesn’t count in JonnyV-land?

  27. Jason

    >Maybe that doesn’t count in JonnyV-land?

    Not when you’re as biased as that shitheel.

  28. jonnyv

    Dad29. A budget is the bare minimum that they should be doing. I honestly don’t count that as any accomplishment. It is as much of an accomplishment for the Leggies as it is for Evers. Worthless in the grand scheme.

    Jason, keep calling names. It is the last bastion of a person who has nothing of quality left to say. Peace out, I am done talking with you. I am sure your screentime is almost over anyway. Ask mom and dad to increase it some more if you empty the dishwasher.

  29. Jason

    Shitheel is being insulting and mean.. and then cries about being treated inkind. Typical selectively outraged liberal snowflake Bernie supporter. Boo hoo hoo.

  30. dad29

    Glad you straightened us out on that, JonnyV. Without your help, who knows how ignorant we’d all be?

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