Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1359, 25 Feb 23

Make Prison Suck Again

Let’s hope that they can make their country safe for good people.

President Bukele declared a “war on gangs” last March, passing emergency measures which have been extended several times.

The emergency powers have been controversial as they limit some constitutional rights, such as allowing the security forces to arrest suspects without a warrant.

Gang members wait to be taken to their cells after 2000 gang members were transferred to the Terrorism Confinement CenterIMAGE SOURCE,REUTERS
Gang members wait to be taken to their cells after 2000 gang members were transferred to the Terrorism Confinement CenterIMAGE SOURCE,REUTERS

More than 64,000 suspects have been arrested in the anti-crime drive.

Authorities have said criminal gangs such as MS-13 and Barrio-18 number tens of thousands and are responsible for homicides, extortion and drug-trafficking. The aim of the mass arrests is to make the gangs “disappear altogether”, the government says.


1359, 25 February 2023


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