Boots & Sabers

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1714, 26 Oct 22

Musk Carries Sink into Twitter HQ

What a goof. Presumably this is so he will have it to throw out when the deal closes.

With just a few more days left to complete his acquisition of Twitter and stave off a new court date, billionaire Elon Musk walked into the company’s San Francisco office on Wednesday with what appeared to be a porcelain bathroom sink in his hands.


“Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!” the Tesla and SpaceX CEO tweeted with a video of his entrance.

A person at the company confirmed to CNBC that Elon was visiting today, and noted that there is some internal concern about what will happen to people on foreign-worker visas. This person, who declined to be named discussing internal matters, said that employees are trying to keep working despite all the attention being paid to the deal, and despite reports that Musk could gut the place with massive layoffs. Some employees say they feel like if he buys it, he can “burn it all down if he wants to.”

Yes. Yes he will. He will own the company and can do what he wants with it. I’m not a fan of everything Musk does, but I do like that he is one of the increasingly rare business owners who isn’t afraid to act like one.


1714, 26 October 2022


  1. dad29

    The Bai-Den Regime has made it clear to Musk: cooperate with us or you will suffer greatly. Making him a potential “national security risk” is high-level aggression.

  2. Jason

    Musk could carry a pound of coke into a BBQ at the Clinton’s house with Edward Snowden on a leash and I still wouldn’t care.

  3. Tuerqas

    Neither would any liberal…

  4. Merlin

    Musk dances to music nobody else hears and his non-traditional lifestyle reflects it. The man goes his own way. People thinking he’s going to conform to any particular political persuasion because he’s tangentially touched their world on a single issue are going to be very disappointed.

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