Boots & Sabers

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2105, 19 Dec 21

Eliminate State Income Tax

Yes, yes, and more yes.

Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist added, “Doing away with the state income tax would make Wisconsin more economically competitive both nationally and globally. In addition to making Wisconsin a much more prosperous place to live and work, a repeal of the state income tax would also increase the job-creating capacity of small businesses, most of whom file under the personal income tax system.”


In an interview, Walker noted that raising the sales tax isn’t as effective in Wisconsin as in other states where the tax covers every item. Wisconsin does not tax food and drugs, for example. Also, local towns typically have a tiny piggyback sales tax, unlike in other states.


He said it could be a model for other states.


“There’s no doubt about it,” Walker said. “I would expect that there will be tremendous interest in this,” he added.


2105, 19 December 2021


  1. dad29

    Florida gets by with a sales tax of 6% (effective is 6.65 due to local variations.)

    If I heard it right, Walker was talking about 8% for Wisconsin.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    That would be a good thing. Best of all: it would irratate our local Marxists, like nord.

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