Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1125, 07 Sep 21

Federal Government “would touch virtually every American’s life, from conception to aged infirmity”

If this doesn’t scare the hell out of you, then you have an unhealthy trust in government.

WASHINGTON — When congressional committees meet this week to begin formally drafting Democrats’ ambitious social policy plan, they will be undertaking the most significant expansion of the nation’s safety net since the war on poverty in the 1960s, devising legislation that would touch virtually every American’s life, from conception to aged infirmity.




“If we get this passed, a decade from now, people are going to see many more touch points of government supporting them and their families,” Boushey said.


1125, 07 September 2021


  1. Mar

    So, now liberals finally admit life begins at conception.

  2. Mar

    We now have the US government run by a Taliban wanna be.

  3. MjM

    “ …a decade from now, people are going to see many more touch points of government …”

    Happening now. You will now be forced to be touched by Biden’s Needle.

  4. Tuerqas

    The needle making companies may be a good investment, though. Especially once the boosters become mandatory. I remember several older movies done in mono-colors of people waiting in lines for their daily doses…kinda feels like that.

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