Boots & Sabers

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2135, 08 Sep 20

Black Boy Suspended For Playing With Nerf Gun in Own Home

So the schools force the kids to learn virtually and then impose ridiculous rules in their homes? Nuts to that.

A 12-year-old boy in Colorado Springs was suspended from school for five days for playing with a toy gun during a virtual art class – an infraction that resulted in Grand Mountain school sending a police officer to the pupil’s home.

The boy’s parents, Curtis Elliott Jr and Dani Elliott, say the police visit terrified them and put their son Isaiah in danger.

“I never thought, ‘You can’t play with a Nerf gun in your own home because somebody may perceive it as a threat and call the police on you,’” Dani Elliott told the Washington Post.

Isaiah Elliot was not charged but he now has an entry on his disciplinary record saying he brought a “facsimile of a firearm to school”, and a record with the El Paso county sheriff’s office. Another boy who was studying at Elliott’s house was also reportedly suspended.


The Elliotts have decided to pull their son out of school, hoping to find a place at a school adapted to working with students with attention deficit disorder. His mother said she told administrators: “Black children cannot have that sort of thing on their record. You are reducing his chances at success.”

Good for the parents.


2135, 08 September 2020


  1. Mar

    More stupidity from the public schools. Glad the family took him out of school.

  2. Tuerqas

    Yeah, but a nerf gun on his record at the El Paso county sheriff?  What a bunch of maroons, as Bugs Bunny would put it.  It looks like I have finally seen a good reason to de-fund an entire law enforcement department.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals running education….ugh!

  4. Jason

    That White Supremacist Bugs Bunny can’t be mentioned around here.  Liberal Privilege demands we un-write the history of Looney Tunes.

  5. jjf

    You’ve got a different Special Dictionary, Jason?  Show us!  Explain away!

  6. Mar

    Or of course Bugs was playing on the word “moron”, which kind of explains jjf.
    Though jjf probably loved Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes. Transgendered rabbits, rioting, looting, stealing and anti-gun.

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