Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0853, 16 Jun 20

Madison Initially Denies Juneteenth Rally, Then Relents

Ahhhh… so if it’s a “rally” instead of a “festival,” then the Rona won’t know to transfer between people. Gotcha. That’s some high quality public policy there in Madison.

After Brisco contacted Madison Parks to request a permit to hold the event in Penn Park, she received an email from Public Health Madison & Dane County informing her that the event would be in violation of the agency’s ban on “mass gatherings,” which it defines as “a planned event with a large number of individuals in attendance, such as a concert, festival, meetings, training, conference, or sporting event.” The current phase of Dane County’s coronavirus reopening plan prohibits outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people.

Brisco then wrote to the office of Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, asserting that the event would be a free speech event in line with the ongoing protests. The next day, she said, she received an email from the mayor’s office greenlighting the event.

“There was a misunderstanding in the nature of the event,” Deputy Mayor Katie Crawley told the Cap Times in an email. “It was initially thought to be a festival, not a rally … Once that was clarified, there was not an issue. It did not need Mayoral involvement.”

Sarah Mattes of Public Health Madison & Dane County told the Cap Times in an email that, after clarifying the details of the event, the agency “did not believe what they described was a mass gathering under our definition.” Voter registration, she wrote, is “a government function and allowed under the Order.”

0853, 16 June 2020


  1. Jason

    Scientists know what is best for us all.  They are updating their guidance every minute!

  2. dad29

    Looks more like changing the “science” not updating it.  Just like 140 gradations on the man-woman scale is now “science.”

  3. dad29

    Nah.  Baton at close range.  Madison cops aren’t allowed to arrest for that any more.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    Covid 19 understands leftist “wokeness”.

    Didn’t y’all get the memo?

  5. Mar

    Well, who knew the Chinese virus could tell the difference between conservatives and liberals?
    What a smart virus.

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