Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2211, 11 May 20

Tyrant Evers Throws Out More Crumbs

Thank you, Master.

Wisconsin retailers that aren’t considered essential businesses can open their doors a crack under new COVID-19 restrictions Gov. Tony Evers issued Monday that allow up to five customers at a time.

The relaxed restrictions, which officials say are geared toward small businesses, are the latest example of the governor’s efforts to “turn the dial” and reopen the state’s economy. Wisconsin has seen skyrocketing unemployment numbers since nonessential businesses were closed more than a month ago in an attempt to limit the spread of the respiratory disease.

We are living in a Dictatorship.


2211, 11 May 2020


  1. Mar

    Gee, Georgia didn’t fall off the face of the Earth. Neither has Iowa, South Dakota, Mississippi and other states that had few, if any, problems because they refused to follow Herr Evers and other governors by putting few restrictions on their citizens.

  2. Mike

    All 5 drive-in theaters in the state can open “with restrictions”. We’re practically back to normal.

  3. Jason

    Realistically, how many of those businesses are going to be worse off than if they shutter.   Assuming if they open a crack, it will be worse financially than leaving it closed.   Herr Evers probably didn’t even consider that.

  4. jjf

    Jason, did you consider what happens if consumers aren’t eager to shop, aren’t eager to sit in restaurants, aren’t eager to sit in bars?

  5. Jason

    >Jason, did you consider what happens if consumers aren’t eager to shop, aren’t eager to sit in restaurants, aren’t eager to sit in bars?

    I don’t see the analogy, Johnny… consumers right now are controlled by government mandate.  Oh, and for the record, I’ve been to Menards, Lowes, Home Depot, I’ve been grocery shopping…  people don’t seem to have the issues you are wondering about.  Lots of people make more effort to not crowd, which is good, but the packed stores I go to for the things I need, show the general population is not cowering in fear.

  6. Mar

    I can see jjf’s point, to a certain degree. There are going to be a segment of the population that will stay away from restaurants and other small stores, at least for awhile. The elderly, disabled and others with other issues. But they still may go out and get the take out meal or haircut.
    And they probably have learned how to do pickup service at the big box stores. And some probably have learned to do Doordash and others.
    If the small stores and restaurants want to compete, they will have adapt to the new furure.

  7. jjf

    So much drama.  A Dictatorship!  

    Hey, you could recall him tomorrow.  Circulate some petitions.  Shake some hands, get a few signatures.  Easy peasy.

  8. Pat

    Well, the new MU poll is out. Wonder what those results show???

  9. jjf

    There are lots of polls to help determine whether your opinions are in line with others.

  10. MjM

    Patsy loves headlines: Well, the new MU poll is out.

    The folks that had Hilldabeast up by six points in WI a week before the election?

    Polls are for patsies.  So here ya go, gurll…

    In a late March poll, 86% of respondents said the governor’s “Safer at Home” order closing schools and businesses and restricting public gatherings was the appropriate response. In the latest poll, that number fell to 69% while the number describing it as an overreaction grew from 10% to 26%.


  11. Pat


    Thanks for playing along.

  12. dad29

    Another month and only 28% of respondents will think Tokin’Tony’s bullshit is ‘appropriate.’

  13. jjf

    Well, actually…  Dad29, you don’t really know the numerator or the denominator.  There could be more dead by then, and the people who are sick at home or in the hospital probably won’t be part of a survey.

  14. Randall Flagg

    *Evers:  64% approving handling of coronavirus issue (was 76% in March)

    *Trump: 44% approving of coronavirus issue  (was 51% in March)

    Base don dad29’s “math”, Trump will be down to around 8%


  15. Mar

    Here is a poll that really counts. In the election in Northern Wisconsin, the GOP canidate, Tom Tiffany kicked butt and won by about 14 points.
    That’s a real poll.

  16. Mar

    And the GOP, in another real poll, is about to flip a seat in LA County, and by a wide margain.

  17. Jason

    >Base don dad29’s “math”, Trump will be down to around 8%

    Based on common sense, Creepin Joe’s will raise to around -3%.

  18. Randall Flagg

    “Here is a poll that really counts. In the election in Northern Wisconsin, the GOP canidate, Tom Tiffany kicked butt and won by about 14 points.
    That’s a real poll.”

    Considering Duffy won by 23% in 2016, that is the opposite of kicking butt.

  19. Mar

    Sorry Randall, but liberals had serious thoughts about flipping this seat and it wasn’t even close.
    And before Duffy had the seat, David Obey, a liberal Demorcrat had the seat since the Civil War.

  20. MjM

    RandyFlag claims:  that is the opposite of kicking butt.

    This was a one-off special election in sparsely populated areas in the middle of the month in the middle of Herr nEver’s lockdown.

    Meanwhile, Duffy’s election was a general during a hot presidential race.

    Pardon us if we ignore (read: laugh at) your impaired political analysis.

  21. Jason

    >Jason, did you consider what happens if consumers aren’t eager to shop, aren’t eager to sit in restaurants, aren’t eager to sit in bars?

    Hey Dummy, it’s been a few hours since the SC slapped your bitch… and guess what the bars are full, and tomorrow, restaurants will be full.   You are an idiot.

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