Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0714, 07 May 20

Republicans Prefer Regional Approach

Again… too complicated and there’s no way that the politicians in Madison can micromanage every business and every scenario in Wisconsin. Just open the state. If you truly trust the people and businesses, then trust them.

During the event, the Speaker reiterated his party’s support for a more regional approach to restrictions on businesses and people.

“Let’s start to turn the dial, as opposed to treating every part of the state like it is Milwaukee,” he said. “Because if we wait for Milwaukee and Brown County to be the indicator, it’s going to be a long time potentially before Wisconsin can open up.”

Vos also said he supports including more specific phases for restaurants reopening, including possible guidelines for when they could offer outdoor seating and benchmarks for reaching different percentages of indoor capacity.

He also urged a move away from a list of so-called “essential businesses” that are allowed to be open, while others are not.

“I don’t understand how you can go and get a key made at Walmart or buy flowers for Mother’s Day, but somehow if you would go to the flower shop or the key shop, that would be a major threat to public health,” Vos said.

He said he trusts people and businesses to take the appropriate health precautions.


0714, 07 May 2020


  1. dad29

    Vos is just as much a Statist as is Tony.  He just doesn’t have the Big Chair.

  2. jjf

    But he wants the Big Chair.  And you’ll vote for him, right?

  3. Jason

    Don’t worry Dad, in a couple minutes Labradoodle Johnny will have to exit this discussion too… someone will present something he doesn’t like and can’t comprehend.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    At risk of local liberals agreeing with me….Awful legislative weakness.  Just awful.


  5. jjf

    Awesome prediction, Jason!  Add to the discussion!

    Why, it seems like only a few days ago there were folks here advocating for a regional approach.  Even I said I could see some sense to it…  but then there’s those pesky tourists that pop up on Memorial Day, and the question of how some remote county got even one case.

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