Boots & Sabers

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0758, 24 Apr 20

Michigan Legislature Seeks To Restrain Dictatorial Rule

Good for them.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a first term democratic governor, is reportedly planning to extend Michigan’s stay-at-home order until May 15 and continue lockdown measures designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

A session has been scheduled by Republicans in the Michigan legislature on Friday to create an oversight committee that would review Whitmer’s coronavirus orders, and could strip her of some of her powers as Governor.

On April 9, she revised the stay-at-home orders to ban people from visiting friends and relatives, travelling to vacation homes and halted sales of certain items such as furniture and gardening supplies.

However, in a move that angered Michigan’s more conservative corners, she said in a podcast interview that abortions should continue as the procedures are part of ‘life-sustaining’ health care for women.


On Tuesday she was forced to backtrack after she awarded a state contract to a Democratic consulting firm to track the spread of the coronavirus.

Her decision to award the contract to Great Lakes Community Engagement, a firm run by Mike Kolehouse, a Democratic political consultant who made unsavory comments about President Trump in recent weeks, drew immediate backlash.

The consultancy firm had planned to use software that is also used by a Democratic data firm that is working to help get the governor reelected.

As in Wisconsin, there is no justification for the continuation of emergency rule. In a free republic, there is nothing happening with the pandemic at a speed that can’t be managed by a government following its normal process. The purpose of emergency declarations is to allow the government to respond swiftly. Generally, it is necessary as a temporary measure after things like a natural disaster or war. In this case, after the initial shock, we are now managing the roll of a virus across the nation. We can go back to our normal governing process. Emergency powers are not supposed to be to negate debate or implement on party rule.


0758, 24 April 2020

1 Comment

  1. kjanz1899

    I guess this is her job interview to be Biden’s running mate.

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