Boots & Sabers

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0814, 02 Apr 20

Air Force Academy Relaxes Social Distancing After Suicides

There are consequences to these decisions. Humans are social mammals. Most people don’t do well in isolation. That is why so many lefties consider solitary confinement to be a form of torture.

Coronavirus social distancing measures on the Colorado Springs Air Force Academy campus will be relaxed following the back-to-back deaths of two cadets in suspected suicides, officials said.

While all underclassmen are learning online, the senior class has remained on campus. The students were spread throughout dormitories and each was given their own room as part of quarantine measures.

One cadet tested positive for COVID-19 last week, the academy said.

Since those measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 were put into place weeks ago, two cadets have died within days of each other. The first death was reported Thursday and another on Saturday. USAFA said the deaths were not related to COVID-19 and investigators did not suspect foul play.

“These are deaths from despair,” Katrina Knight, the mother of a class of 2020 cadet, told FOX21 Colorado Springs. “Our hearts are grieving as a community because a couple of class members have already suffered the impacts to the furthest extent that they could.”

The senior class was kept on campus because “our Air and Space Forces have deemed us essential to their missions,” USAFA superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria said in an email sent Monday to students and later obtained by local news outlets.

Now, seniors will be allowed to venture off campus for food and hold on-campus events, according to the email. Silveria said that he met with the senior class and spoke with top Pentagon officials before changing the policy.

“We are working several morale events like golf or an outdoor movie that allow them to connect and keep them healthy,” the email said. “We continue to provide round the clock access to mental health services and support through this tragic loss.”


0814, 02 April 2020


  1. Merlin

    The USS Roosevelt is working through an interesting quarantine dilemma as well.  A tip-of-the-spear fighting vessel with a crew in excess of 4,000 is incapable of social distancing. They live and work in less than close quarters.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    There are going to be many other suicides as well from business failure caused by government order, to social isolation, to panic caused by awful liberal media.   the consequence to that may be worse than the COVID-19, bit the media will not focus on that because it is not sensational like the virus.

  3. jjf

    Go on, Kevin, start counting suicides, compare the levels to the normal levels of suicides, demand a fancy ArcGIS web site with all the numbers, complain that there aren’t enough deaths from traffic accidents.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann


    Your insensitivity is awful.


  5. jjf

    But Kevin, all the people who said “those people would’ve died anyways”, they’re being sensitive, right?

  6. Jason

    >Go on, Kevin, start counting suicides, compare the levels to the normal levels of suicides, demand a fancy ArcGIS web site with all the numbers, complain that there aren’t enough deaths from traffic accidents.

    I just checked and Kevin didn’t post in the discussion about a fancy ArcGIS web site.  So get your head out of your ass Dummy.

  7. jjf

    I guess I should’ve added a “y’all” to make it more appealing to you, Jason.  Thanks for jumping in!

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